Chpt 1

63 3 0

Sky's pov

Crackle, crackle, crackle, KABOOM! The ash, from the crystals in the Obolisk, exploded off of me. From what I could tell, I looked no different, but I felt like an alien in my skin. Coulson, May, Mack, Fitz, and Simmons were there to help me and Reyna out of the rubble. In the days and weeks that followed, whenever I got angry there was an earthquake, or I would get a splitting headache, as well as nose bleeds when I tried to keep it in. I kept telling myself that i was no different, but I was.
One day Coulson came to see me in my room, (i had locked myself in my room since we got back) and asked,

"Hey Sky are you okay, you seem kind of off since we got back." Worried.

"Yeah I'm fine." I lied.

"Really, 'cause you haven't seemed fine since we got back from the ancient city." Again worried.

"In fine." I added sharply, getting agitated. Then the room started to shake. "Oh no," I said, "Not again." I said to myself nervously.

Hi this is my first story, I'll get to update as often as possible but i get a lot of homework, and have other stuff too. So if I don't update right away then I'm sorry that just means I'm busy.

Enjoy the story!!:)

Sky Daisy ShuddersWhere stories live. Discover now