Chapter 5

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Elizabeth's Point of View

After everyone left with Harold running off with Esme. We all went to do our own thing. I was with Carlisle of course but we were hunting and playing around till morning came around.

When I got home that I realized that today was going to be sunny. The Cullen's had asked me to take Bella to school. Yes I can go into the sun without being a freaking discoball.

Today I decided to hop into my corvette stingray. I then drove all the way to Bella's place. When I got there I got out and knocked on the door. A officer had opened the door and looked confused and figured that this was her father.

"Hello sir my name is Elizabeth and the Cullen's had asked me to drive Bella to school today."

"Alright and come right in." He moved aside and I came in. "The name is Charlie by the way Elizabeth."

"It's very nice to meet you sir."

"Your a polite one I see. What do you do for a living?"

"I'm a clothing designer but the hospital calls me for emergencies. I have a degree in being a doctor. Also I am thinking about accepting my friends opportunity of helping her out at the school."

"I think you should but who would run the shop?"

"Alright then it is settled if you think so. Who runs the store well that would be my adobtive brother."

That's when I saw who I believed to be Bella walked down the stairs. She looked shocked at first but then she went to finish getting ready for school. She had grabbed her stuff and went out to my beauty.

"What's your name by the way?"

"Elizabeth and the Cullen's had asked me to take you to school if you didn't know already." I stared at my ride. "I had things to do at the school anyways."

"What would that be?"

"Helping a friend out with teaching but she got permission of course."

Bella had nodded her head to me and got out of my besuty while we were having that conversation on the way to the school. Her mind had thought of how I looked like her vampire boyfriend. All the students were gawking at my car and also at me which I ignored.

Some of the thoughts of the boys were disgusting. When I got my schedule of what classes that I was helping my dear friend. They were the easy ones to.

So when I found the classroom that I saw my dear friend that's a witch. Taylor is her name and when she saw me that she put a big smile on her face and hugged me. I got to know the students and they were surprisingly kind. The one that I really liked was Angela and the class was healthy cooking and life skills.

The next few hours went by like nothing. When lunch came around that I went to the teacher's lounge and saw Max.

~Later in the day after Bella got dropped off~

When I got home the whole family had talked about their days. Today was an interesting day and when I was thinking about that; that I got a call. It was from Carlisle.

"Hello beautiful."

"Hello Carlisle," I responded with a flirty tone to my voice.

"I was wondering if you could come over to meet the one member you haven't met yet."

"Of course."

"Alright see you when you get here darling."

"Indeed and I'll head over right now."

"Okay hun."

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