The news

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I woke up from a nap on my couch fully rested
Was that all a dream
I looked around and got up and walked to the kitchen were a half eaten bowl of rice was
Well I guess I might as well eat it
After I finished the rice I walked over to my fridge and I realized that I was all out of peach soda I started squeezing the handle and I dropped to my knees
"Noooo I'm all out I have to go buy some more and interact with.... People"
I hate people I always get alienated from every one else the only place I ever really belonged was in the virtual world
D*** why can't I just live in the virtual world then I could just make the soda appear
I got up and pulled myself together
"I can do this how else will I get the awesomeness of peach soda"
I really like peach soda
I walked to the front door when I opened it some girl fell in my house like in a anime or manga
"Who the hell are you" I yelled
She screamed got up and ran like she just saw the devil himself
Wow am I that repulsive great for my self esteem I'm always going to be lonely
I decided to walk to the local gas station the only place in town that sells peach soda on my way there I couldn't help but get the feeling that I was being followed by someone so I turned around and yelled "stop following me d*****"
I then realized I was in a crowd of people and every body started looking at me in shock then I looked down and saw a small child on the ground starting to cry
Crap what do I do um um
I got down to him and started trying to calm him down
"Shh be quite don't cry I'm sorry"
But the crying only got louder Then a lady walked up to me and smacked me in the face and yelled "you should be ashamed making a kid cry like that"
I felt my face and it started stinging like I was slapped by a giant piece of flexible wood the kind that would wrap around your face This ticked me off so I when off on her "look lady I wasn't talking to him d***** its not my fault he thought I was so before you jump to conclusion think" there was a moment of silent then every one stared murmuring then here face got red I guess because she was embarrassed because she got told then she just walked off like nothing happened
Everybody was still looking at me like I was some kind of monster and the little kid walked up to me and kicked me in the shin and it hurt like a b****
See this is why I don't leave my house
I got up and started walking or limping off while people keep on watching me
I finally got to the store I went straight to the freezer where the peach soda is which of course it wasn't there I walked up to the cash register with a blaze in my eyes and went off on him
"Were the hell is the peach soda"
Then he said with soulless eyes and said
"It didn't get enough sales so I stopped getting shipments"
Still pissed i I looked at him and yelled "you f****** suck you know that right" then I walked off
I'm not letting this trip go to waste I'm going to the manga store
I started for the door but I stopped for a second because I heard a news emergency but I didn't stay around to see what it was and I really didn't care I walked to the manga shop and on the way there I felt the feeling again someone has to be following me I'm not crazy I decided to run the rest of the way because I thought maybe I could lose my stalker when I got there there it was the new manga to the series that I've been reading
I felt my heart skip a beat when i saw it Finally its here I've been waiting for so long my luck is changing...
There it is again they must have I have followed me in because i got the feeling again that some one is following me
I turned around and I saw what looked like the top of a head and they started running for the door and I started chasing them and I yelled
"Wait get back here" I followed them for a few blocks my heart beating faster and faster but I just couldn't catch up with them then before i knew it with my face in the ground and the weight of a fat man on my back and I turned around and there was a fat cop on my back I had no idea what was going on so I started yelling
"What are you doing" and he turned me around and and started putting hand cuffs a little tight on me and said"you know what you did... Like seriously who steals manga you didn't have 12 dollars to buy one"
I looked at my hand and realized that I still had the manga in my hand I sighed and looked at him
"D***** its not how it looks"
Then I felt a shock go in my back I couldn't stop shaking and I realized I got tazed the next thing i knew I was in a jail cell I cop walked up to me and said with a mocking tone "so your finally awake"
I started digging in my pocket and pulled out a 20 dollar bill and gave it to the cop he looked at me then at the money "what is this" I looked at him like he was a idiot and said
"give this to the owner of the manga store now give me the manga and let me leave" the cop looked at me then at the money again then got up and walked out
"Hey you can't just walk away from me!!!" I was fiery mad I was ready to brake down the cell door then he walked back in walked up to the cell and unlocked it then he looked at me and said
"Your free to go just don't pull a stunt like that again or we won't be so easy on you " I smiled and walked out and grabbed the manga and walked home which took about five minutes to my surprise I didn't get the feeling this time when I got home I walked over to the couch and turned on the TV and the news was on there was some lady standing there with some guy
That guy looks so familiar
"Now back to today's news local man saw the death of super nitro our very own hero we go to you live with the witness" my heart dropped
I thought it was all a dream
Then I realized it was the guy that fell from behind the tree
"It was so horrible he grabbed him with his mind power and threw him though trees and off a mountain... He must have used his powers to make it were he couldn't fly because he just hit the ground and died"
My jaw hit the ground
Wow that was a over reaction
Then it went back to the reporter and she said "this is what the villain looked like... He was like a shadow he had hair down to his back it looked like he was wearing some kind of armor and a bright evil smile" then I felt some relief
Well at least I don't have to worry about people knowing I did it
Then I heard the floor creek and someone said "so that's how you did it" I turned around and saw a girl with a bat and the next thing knew I was on the ground then black

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