Story 2

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I was almost Steven a little while ago it's hard lots of people deal with it it's called depression....

I have it....

I deal with it....

Why? You may ask. I seem happy, I am not I am broken into a million pieces on the inside like a lot of people I don't show it....

I almost killed myself when I was 12 my bullies were that bad, bullies are a funny but not funny thing I asked my bullies why they hit me and made fun if me, they actually told me, they had they were dealing with the same thing at home. I helped them get help they are a good friend of mine now. I'm not saying that's always going to be the case but that was mine. I'm still depressed though it's gotten better but it hasn't gone away. I just have one more thing to say if your being bullied don't wait to get help get it right away heck I may be able to help you if you want me to!

Ok sorry got a little carried away there everyone has a story now here's mine.......

I'm ten I'm happy it my last week of school, a girl I didn't know to well came up to me and said, "hey loser next year I'm going to make your life a living hell"! I was shocked and I went home not knowing what just happened.

Now I'm 11 I was doing ok until the girl came up to me. "Give me your wallet before I knock your lights out"! I dint have a wallet I tried to explain that to her but she called me a liar and punched me in the stomach, this didn't stop it continued till the end of the school year I never told anyone, the next school year I was going to jump off a bridge I didn't want to live because I thought what she said about me was right my older brother stopped me, things started to get better one day I went up to her and showed her the cuts on my wrists and told her they were because of her. She broke down in tears and started to sob, she explained to me that her dad physically hurt her and she took her pain out on me, me and my brother helped her and she got away from her dad and got adopted by a good family, she's one of my good friends now she cheers me up when I'm sad and we can tell each other anything. It's not always like this I know that for a fact.

Hey guys oh gosh I'm like crying just thinking about this, I know it's hard, I used to cut I haven't for a long time now, cutting and stuff like that doesn't help trust me, if you tell someone who cares it does now if you want help pm me. I've never told anyone outside my family my story I was just now brave enough to tell you all. Thanks for reading and stay strong guys. 😌

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2015 ⏰

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