Part 8

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A/N: Here is the next chapter and as you can see, the action is starting to pick up and answers are starting to come. Hope you like JellyfishSong and kittyvamp18.

Cam woke up naked and disoriented on the van floor with the feeling that he'd been run over by a steamroller. He couldn't remember a fucking thing, did he get that blitzed?

Hmmm. His head wasn't pounding, he couldn't have been that drunk. What the fuck had he been doing? Obviously, based upon the fact that he didn't have a stitch of clothing on, he'd been doing someone and if it'd been Balint he wouldn't have had a reason to get drunk. So it had to be some lollipop he'd been having sex with.

As Cam got dressed, memories flickered into his mind and trickled as slowly as molasses. Sluggish enough for Cam to seize onto them and begin to remember.

Cam's neck was sore; his fingers absently rubbed it as he jogged his memory.

Images of Weasel's body writhing on top of him... on TOP of him?

So he finally had Weasel, or, as the images flashing through his brain suggested, Weasel had Cam. Too bad that Cam couldn't remember a second of it.

This was too weird for words. Cam could remember parts of what happened up until then. Weasel practically stalking Cam outside the van, looking good enough to eat. Just after Balint had walked out on Cam.


That's right, Cam had to go play big jealous boyfriend or he'd never get any from Balint for a long time. He might not get Balint back, period. Not that Cam had to pretend to be jealous, he was definitely that. He'd always been that way when it came to Balint, although considering that they were more like friends who fucked other than anything else, it shouldn't have been that way.

It shouldn't have been that way at all, but it was.

Cam had always had his prickles of possessiveness, but they never lasted long, probably because none of the boys Balint had meant any more to him than the ones Cam fucked. None of them had been a threat in any sense of the word.

Not until now. That was why Cam had gone ballistic on Balint. Because Cam had realized that for the first time, he had a serious rival for Balint's affections.

Not that Angelo was serious about Balint. No chance of that with Weasel as his lover. But the dark-eyed boy was obviously serious about making Balint his newest acquisition.

Cam would've thought that Balint wouldn't go for that; he was way too free spirited to be someone's new toy. Unless Cam had finally pissed him off enough by going after Weasel in the first place.

But why? It wasn't like it was the first time Cam had gone after a boy he had the hots for. Why was this time different than all the others? Or had Balint finally reached his limit and Angelo happened to be there at the right time?

All the good timing in the world wouldn't stop Cam from reclaiming Balint. This time nothing would distract him from his objective.


Cam checked over his gun, making sure that Weasel hadn't tampered with it or emptied the chamber of bullets. Everything was in working order and the gun had all its bullets. Cam had figured Weasel would've taken advantage of the fact that Cam had been out of it but he hadn't. Cam was actually disappointed that Weasel didn't seize an opportunity like that. Cam would have in a second. Weasel was just Angelo's sexy siren, sent to keep Cam occupied in the one way Cam couldn't resist.

Fuck. Balint had been right and that was the real reason he'd gone to straight to Angelo's bed. Cam had blown this whole job all to hell for a piece of ass he could barely even remember having.

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