Part 16

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A/N: Here is the next chapter of CF. The lines are blurring for Cam and love and hate are not so clearly drawn anymore.

Apparently, Angelo had a plan because his and Weasel's eyes met, then they traded glances with Balint, who nodded.

Only Cam couldn't tell what the fuck was going on. Angelo hadn't thought enough of Cam to clue him in on things and Cam couldn't hear a word of what they were saying. Shit, he didn't even see Weasel or Angelo's lips move so it could be that they all were communicating telepathically. Cam had no idea. All he knew was that the three of them had effectively left him out of the loop and he was furious.

Fuck it, they could plan whatever the fuck they wanted, he was getting his gun. He reached inside his waistband.

Balint grabbed his hand. "Don't Cam," he said gently.

"Why the hell not?"

"Please, Cam, let us handle this." He let Cam's hand go.

Us. Funny, Cam had thought he and Balint were "us" but it was becoming very obvious that wasn't the case. It was also obvious that Balint was trying to protect Cam because he believed that Cam couldn't protect himself.

Cam had never felt so useless. His hand dropped to his side.

"Look Cam," Angelo suddenly said, "I'm only gonna say this once so listen carefully. We can smell three of them and they're probably loaded for bear. Your gun won't help. We can move much faster than you can and our speed will give us an advantage you can't match. When we finally reach Sarin himself, then yeah, put a fucking bullet in his brain, you'll get your chance there and then. But not now. We're gonna make these kills. Not you."

On the one hand, Angelo was saying Cam was helpless. On the other hand, he seemed to be saving his pride. Either way, it seemed like Angelo was actually looking out for Cam. He didn't know which was worse: having Angelo's contempt or Angelo's concern.

Cam could see Sarin's men now. Three big beefy muscleheads. One was brandishing a huge knife. One had a Geir: a gun that let out so many rounds that its lack of preciseness didn't matter, one had to hit. The biggest guy had no weapons. He didn't need them. His hamhock hands could easily tear someone apart.


"Well, well, well, what have we here, Lukas?" the guy with the knife taunted.

"Looks like two mutant freaks and two traitors, Marko." The guy with the Geir answered, grinning evilly. "Two traitors who are about to die."

The biggest guy leered at Angelo. "Remember me?"

"Ragnarok," Angelo said cheerfully. "An amoeba has a bigger brain than you."

They knew each other? Then Cam realized that Ragnarok was probably one of the men who'd barged into the Nocturne when Ardoin wouldn't hand it over to Sarin. More than likely, Angelo had been the one to deal with them, not Ardoin. Ardoin didn't seem to be the type to waste his time when he could have his lackey handle things.

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