Nice to Meet You, Detective

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"Alright, so as you all know the hotel Tres Spades has been threatened to blow up right?" Eisuke says, we all nod in agreement. He called an emergency meeting and we all had to meet in his suit, on the top floor of the hotel.

"Yeah, we were all going to sleep off our jetlag and go and see the museum tomorrow during the day." Kenshi says.

"Well that will be a problem." Eisuke says, I give him a confused look.

"What do you mean 'That will be a problem'? You asked us to come here." Takuto says looking at him. Riki starts to become nervous and I can see his fists slightly start to clench.

"I realised on flight here that we shouldn't just use some common robbers with a reputation for a job as important as this," Riki's hand starts to shake at this point and his eyebrows knit together, the other guys look just as pissed as him.

"So I have hired some professionals to do the job." Mr Ichinomiya smirks proudly.

"What is that supposed to mean? We flew all the way here, you can't possibly think we're just going to agree to you're little charade." Hiro stands but then sits back down, clutching his head in pain.

"Don't take it personally, we just want the job done right." Eisuke says. I look behind him and notice the other bidders aren't saying anything; I don't think they knew he was gonna do this.

"Don't take it personally? Are you really saying that to us, after you brought us all the way here you expect us to just turn around?" I stand up in place of Hiro, Boss gently grabs onto my wrist,

"Haruka, just sit down." I shake his hand off,

"No, I will not let this happen." I say and turn around, glaring at Eisuke.

"Listen here you narcissistic millionaire, I don't care how much money you have, why the hell would you say we're gonna do a job then just shut us out like that? Do you really think that because we get paid less than you that you can just throw us around like rag dolls?"

"Like I said, I don't need common robbers for this job-" before he finishes his sentence I grab onto his collar and pull him so he's standing up out of his seat, glaring at him and still holding onto him I say,

"We. Are. Thieves." By this time he looks pissed, and he pulls me closer so he can whisper in my ear,

"Did you forget what I said to you last time we argued?" I recall how scared and angry he made me that night, how I yelled at everyone and then stormed into one've the rooms in Le Renaird Noir. I made all the guys so worried, and it's all because I let what he said get to me...

"How could I forgot you saying something as crude as what you said that day?" I whisper before pushing him away and sitting back down.

Riki looks at me, still angry but he smiles. 'Good job' his eyes say.

"Do you see now? We're all strong. We don't give up as easily as you think of us to, so yeah we're gonna prove you wrong and get that diamond." Riki says and motions for us to follow him out of the room.

"Oh yeah," he turns around at the door and glares at Eisuke,

"As someone who has women around him just about all the time, I would have expected you to speak better to girls. Ever say something that hurts Haruka's feelings again, you should never forget we know a thing or two about some black market actions." I don't know if it's the fact that Riki stood up for me or the fact he called me by my first name is what's leaving me flustered but we leave, bidding good night to an overwhelmed Mr Ichinomiya.

Once we leave the room Riki pulls us together, "Alright guys here we are, in 3 days we are going to do this mission, no matter what they say." We all nod, making it clear that we're ready for this.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2016 ⏰

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