four ;; forgotten

6 0 0

a/n me is sad :-(


I was kissing Luke Robert Hemmings. But he pushes me abruptly and gave me the death stare I haven't seen since forever.

"Are you gay?!" He shouted, looking at me with disgust. I was taken aback from the push. How did he-- "Uncle Perrin! He's gay! Ewwww! You're disgusting and please, don't kiss someone you don't know."

My eyes well up with tears. The words he said just, stabbed me like knives. Then I watch as he sprints away. When I thought he'd be gone, he actually came back with one more thing to say.

"Oh, and, I have a girlfriend."

Then he left. For real this time. 

I break down. Sobbing uncontrollably. This was like me when Luke died that very day.

"Hush," Uncle--or um--Grandpa says as he bends down to my level and rubs my back soothingly. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you about him earlier. Why didn't you just have come to me back on the other dimension in the first place?"

"O-other dimension?" I managed to choke out. 

"Yes, son. The box you opened was a portal to this world. The world where everything was the complete opposite. The sweet Luke Hemmings that you once loved was now just the opposite. His parents were rich and his basically a spoiled brat." Grandpa explains. 

I stifle a chuckle. "This must be a dream. I must be dreaming." I slap myself. 

Nothing happens but pain.

Then I bite my lip really hard until it bleeds. 

Nothing happens but pain.

"Stop hurting yourself!" Grandpa says as I was about to pinch myself on the shoulder. He snatches my hands from me. "Listen up, because now that you're here and you don't know what to do. The only person who knows you here is me. This is your new life."

I suddenly remember the scars I've had on my arm. When I pull up my sleeve, my arm was clean.

"H-how..." I whisper to myself. 

"You'll just stay here with me unless you want to find an apartment." Grandpa mumbles as he stands up and walks out.

"W-wait!" I nearly scream. He comes back in.


"H-how come Luke doesn't remember me?" I say, now calming down after my 5-minute breakdown.

Grandpa (you know what let's just call him Uncle Perrin) walks back in and sits down on the floor next to me. "Son, you're in another dimension.  He's here alive and breathing, but there is a problem: his memories that has to do anything with you will vanish and he'll never know you."

"What do I do to make him know me?"

He then flashes a slight smile at me. "Do what you did the first time you both met. Say hello."


guys im sorry that was boring

i mean it was for me

im sad eh

my dad's heading to philippines tonight and he cant be here with my family and i for christmas :'(

he'll have to work there for now

im sad

my christmas will feel empty.

this is the first time i've spent it without him :-(

i cri


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