Humanity Suffering

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Twenty years ago man became aware of the existence of several mythical creatures and learns of more as days go by. Since then the world has been in turmoil, killing itself. The vampires no longer have to hide their feedings, they simply attack. Werewolves have a larger population. Witches are harder to find though there are many. They hide it well.

But their true weaknesses have been uncovered as well. Weapons have been formed that are capable of taking down the inhuman strength, speed, agility, and etc of vampires and werewolves. Witches are discovered and burned alive.

My name is Calla Deshmir. I live in what is left of the former U.S.A. in a safe-city called Claytilsi. Today I turn sixteen and this is the story of the end of my regular life. Humanity is suffering. Nothing can save us now.

Humanity SufferingNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ