Kesley's Plan

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Chapter Fifteen

I went to Kesley's house after school and she helped me with homework. I was caught up but didn't understand half of the work I was doing. I knew she was still trying to convince me to leave with her, but I didn't trust her. This could be a trick.

I spent a week doing my homework at her house before she mentioned leaving again.

I closed my history book and sighed. "All done."

She stared at me a moment then straightened up, clearly preparing to deliver big news. "We don't have to leave yet. Maybe we can leave this summer."

"When this summer? It's already May 19th." I asked, thinking how ridiculous this all was. "How would we even leave?"

"We can leave at the beginning of June right after school let's out. And remember how you got out? We will NOT go that way. We can exit through the main gate. All we have to do is wait until they open the doors for the food trucks to come in and when the truck is about to leave, we jump into the back and leave with it."

I stared open mouthed at her. That's an obvious way, so obvious that we would never make it. "Hell no."

"Hell yes. I know this is what you want and honestly, out there has to be better than here. And I know about your little vampire boyfriend." She said.

My head snapped up. "What are you talking about?"

"When I spent the night with you last night you kept talking about 'Nathan' and begging for his help. Then you got up all terrified but I pretended I was asleep. I asked your mom about him and she said she'd heard you mutter about him in your sleep and she thinks it must be someone from the Outside. But you would have mentioned him to her already, wouldn't you? You told her everything else just like you told me. About Aileen and her pet rooster. How Matt saved you from a vampire who almost bit you."

I nearly winced. I don't like thinking about what might have happened if Nathan hadn't stopped himself from biting me.

"Nathan was a vampire, yes. But only one who attacked me. He toyed with me and told me his name and before he attacked me, Matt got to him," I lied.

"Then why do you keep asking for Nathan's help?"

"Hell if I know. It's a dream." I looked at Kesley's pleading face and gave in. "I'll go."

She did a happy dance.


Why does Kesley even want to leave?? You'll see. Just keep reading and voting!



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