Finn's P.O.V

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I don't know how, but I think I hit it off  with her. I don't have to work about how I act or my actions around  her in case i mess up or say something wrong. During our walk I took her to a park and we feed ducks and had lunch together in a little cafe. She seems genuin. I haven' t met anyone like her. We went back to the park and sat on the grass and just looked at the pond, the geese, and talked. We talked about family and friends and I brought up Jack and she said she would give him another chance if she sees him again. We start walking on the trail and I get a call from Jack.

Finn: "Hey, Jack what's up."

Jack: "Yo bro, where are you?"

Finn: "I'm at the park,why."

Jack:"Oh great, I'm coming thanks. Meet me by the pond."

Finn:"uhh I Don....Hello? Hello?"

Oh just great right when I think I'm hitting it off with Sarah, Jack is going to ruin everything I had planned on doing later that night. Wow, thanks bro . You're the greatest. The girl I like hates you. 

Sarah then brings me back into my senses by saying "Finn are you alright, you looked angry for a minute. Is everything ok?" You could see the worry in her eyes she is just so cute. I reply, "Oh, its nothing,but ummmm Jack is on his way here." Sarah looks disappointed. "What? I really just wanted it to be just the two of us. I was starting to grow very fond of you." Awww. "I feel the same way Sarah,but this is the only time he will be with us,oh before I forget give me your number." Sarah said " oh yes, of course here you are." I feel a little bit better now. I now don't care if Jack is coming as long as he doesn't make a move on her everything will be fine.

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