Chapter 6 : Jack's P.O.V

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After getting off the phone with Finn; I was excited to go to the pond because that is where I me finn used to play a lot when we were younger and we used to feed the ducks and play football all the time there, since there was a huge grass area surrounding the pond. And now since we are grown up and have better things to do than to go to a park with my twin brother to feed ducks and play football, I really am happy that we finally get the chance to go there again. I wonder why he's there though. Is here there alone or maybe with a special lady friend ;) ;) ? I sure hope it's a girl he's with because if it is she must be pretty special in order for him to bring her to our special place. I mean I know it's a park and its public, but not many people go to it. One thing that I can't seem to get off my mind is Sarah. She was so beautiful and it felt like something just clicked inside of me when I met her, but I don't she feels the same way about me. If I could see her just one time and explain myself and apoligize, then maybe she'll give me a chance. Hopefully. ~10 MINUTES LATER~  I arrive at the pond and see no sight of my brother, until I see this girl running right into me. I look up to see very familiar eyes. They belonged to Sarah. We both just laid there for a minute just looking into each other's eyes. Until Finn had to ruin the moment by clearing his throat. 

Me: Hey Finn. Hi Sarah

Sarah and Finn : Hey , Hello

Me: So what is Sarah doing here Finn, I mean not to sound rude or anything I'm just curious as to how you two met.

Sarah: Well, I was in line for starbucks and then your brother tried to hit on me and I thought he was you; well because you guys are twins; and yea we just kind of clicked and we're just hanging out I suppose.

Finn: Yea, that sums it up

Just then Finn put his arm around Sarah's waist and she nuzzled into his chest for a little while. Didn't these two just meet ;when me and Sarah met she was telling me off and now she meets my brother and she is practicily in love with him. 

Me: Well it looks like I was interrupting something so you know what carry on, but before I leave can I get your number Sarah. Maybe we can grab coffee sometime, or I can take you out for lunch or dinner to make up for what happened last week? 

Sarah: Ummm... sure that actually sounds nice.

After I got Sarah's number I went home and replayed everything that just happened. At least I got her number, but I wont let Finn get in the way. I mean I did meet her first so I technically have more of a right over her than he does, right? Oh, god now I'm just sounding like and overprotective pshyco boyfriend. When I'm not even her boyfriend, yet

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2013 ⏰

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