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Copy right blah blah blah. All the characters and names of this book (I don't mean like people names sorta like obviously I did not event the names lol) are mine and if I see anyone with my ideas (which I probably won't bc I suck) I will come and beat your ass. I will annoy the shit out of you trust me I'm already naturally annoying and when I am trying I am very annoying so.
This isn't a very professional statement because I believe that no one should be stealing ideas anyways and I have trust
Lol it's rare IK. Plus this isn't like the most unique story idea ever. Most werewolf books are all like "oh yes I'm fat and ugly and my mate rejected me but I'm appearing back and BOOM I'm hot as shit with a bomb ass personality. Y'ALL THOUGHT" Like how does this happen?? Do I need to be rejected by an asshole and then leave for a year and return to all of a sudden become hot?
Anyways yeah so not the most unique idea but it's unique in its own way and has a touch of my ideas I guess. Anyways...


I've experienced a lot of painful things in life. But let me tell you, even when you're not a werewolf, rejection from your mate hurts like a bitch. Right behind child birth and breaking a femur. So I assume at least. Never had either happen to me but I'm still young.

Let me start out with the basics. I'm Claire Ramona, a witch. I'm next in line to lead my coven. I went to an all supernatural creature school- Almost all anyways... My mate: the future Alpha of the Apollo pack, Ryder Lynx. Also known as the biggest douche bag ever known. Well in our school and... Whole territory actually. I was a little over weight and wasn't the prettiest, or most perfect girl at the time. And that's why he rejected me. I didn't look like a model basically.
He embarrassed me in front of the whole school.

As soon as I found out it was Ryder I confronted him about it and he laughed in my face and kept denying it. "I would never be mated to a ugly obese loser like you." I was so offended but I kept trying thinking maybe he just didn't feel the bond yet. Which I don't know why I even did that considering he didn't want to be mates with me. I was a fool.

I pulled out my necklace,
that all witches get at birth so they too can find their soulmate, and showed him. Then I lifted his hand. Basically how the necklace works is as soon as the wolf starts searching for the mate the necklace will create a marking of the same shape on their hand.
And sure enough his hand had my mark, a crescent moon on it.

Suddenly he started freaking out. "You creep! You used your magic on me and did this! I knew you were obsessed with me but I didn't think you'd take it this far!" Suddenly everyone in the school starting surround me and laughing. I wasn't obsessed with him ever. In fact I hated him. But since he was my mate I decided to be accepting.

It was the complete opposite for him unfortunately. Creepy Claire was what they called me. How creative. Note the sarcasm.

Anyways back to the story.
After what had happened I was so embarrassed. He didn't want me. I wasn't good enough.
I was angry at myself at first for not being pretty and skinny.
But then I turned my anger on him. He rejected me, his soulmate because I wasn't what he wanted? Well I've got news for you douche face you were the complete opposite of what I wanted and yet, here we are.

Later that night he showed up at my house. For some reason I expected he was going to apologize or something. Instead he left me with pain. "I, Ryder Lynx, reject you, Claire Ramona, as my mate." He fully rejected me.

Angry filled me again. "You selfish bastard! You knew I was your mate and you embarrassed me in front of the whole school and now you're rejecting me!"

"My reputation would be ruined if people knew I was really mated to someone like you. You would be a pathetic excuse for a Luna. You just... Don't have the body for it." I shook with anger and hurt. "Awe is Claire going to cry?" He asked with a smirk. Yes.

I blinked the tears away and slowly lifted my head. "No. Claire is going to change. I can fix my problems. You can't fix a shitty personality. I, Claire Ramona accept your rejection. And you will be warned. One day... One day I'm going to make you regret ever rejecting me. So much you'll hate yourself. And then once you come crawling to me, like the thirsty dick you are... I'm going to reject you. And cause you the same pain you caused me. Good luck finding a Luna in this generation of idiots. Goodnight Ryder." I slammed the door on his face. I lied against the door crying for a few minutes. My own soulmate didn't even want me.

I couldn't tell what I was angry at. Me for not being good enough or him for being an complete arse.

At some point I ended up in my room. My father walked in concerned and I told him everything. He made me see the right side of things. Im his mate and he should accept me no matter what. There was nothing wrong with me. It was him.

"And if your mother was here she would say the same thing." Another tear rolled down my cheek. My mother died a few years ago in an accident with some vampires. We don't talk about it much. Anyways..

I didn't waste time skipping school and crying at home. Even though I kept getting laughed at, and taunted, I stayed. I did. I lost most of my friends except Kara. And I still stayed. Until one day someone took it too far.

"No wonder your mother was killed. She was probably crazy like you" it was my last straw. I snapped. I used my magic and threw the kid who said it against the lockers and closed up his lungs. Everyone was silent.

"You can all taunt me. Treat me like shît. Continue to be relentless and careless assholes and believe what your lying and selfish Alpha to be. But don't EVER bring my mother into it. She had nothing to do with any of this. She's dead. And that was low. Even for a prick like you. Don't ever bring her up again. Do you understand?" Gasping for air he quickly nodded his head. I let go and began walking away. Everyone began whispering around me and made a path. I was known as a psycho now. I didn't care.

Needless to say I was expelled though. Using magic on students was against the rules. I didn't care about that either. I was glad to be out of that shit hole. And they were glad I was gone too.

Little did they know it wouldn't be forever.


Hiii new book here. Any comments? I'll be updating as frequently as possible. Ik it's starting out kinda slow and it might be like that for most of the book. Maybe not. I'm not sure yet.
Im not a very good writer and I do not plan any of my writing really. But I like writing so... Sorry not sorry.
If you don't like my book then there's the door bye lol
If you do though
Thank you

Also none of that special rare white, silver or rainbow wolf bullshit. That's all I can think of rn.
Okay that is all for now goodbye lovelies


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