Chapter Two

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After showing Mikasa around all of the places in Shiganshina, Eren and Mikasa started heading back to the apartment building, as the sky was getting darker, since it was now later in the evening.

"Shiganshina sure is big..." Mikasa commented as they walked side by side along the sidewalk.

"Yeah." Eren agreed, looking up at the sky. The next few moments were silent, besides the sound of cars going by and people chatting.

Mikasa's POV

When we got back to the building, the doorman was holding the door open for me and Eren. "Thanks." I thanked him and he nodded a 'you're welcome', then me and Eren entered the building.

"Oh, everyone's here..." Eren said, looking towards another room, which was in the lobby. It looked like some kind of lounge area.

"There's a lounge here?" I questioned.

"Yeah, and a rooftop that we often also hang out at." he answered, "Come on, I'll introduce you to my friends.

"Okay..." I decided and followed him into the lounge.

The lounge was nice looking. It was a circular couch with a table in front of it, and there was also a few chairs on the other side, along with a flat screen TV on the wall. When we approached the teenagers sitting on the couch and chairs, their attention turned towards me.

"Hey, a new girl!" a brown haired girl exclaimed, who's hair was pulled into a ponytail that let her bangs hang out. She placed her bag of potato chips on the table, then came over to us. She seemed pretty friendly.

"This is Mikasa." Eren informed the group of teens. I just gave a wave to them.

"I'm Sasha Braus, let me introduce you to everyone!" the girl said and then took my hand, pulling me away from Eren, who just gave a sigh.

"This is Connie, my best friend. He's dumb enough to try anything, but he's awesome and friendly." Sasha informed, motioning to the boy sitting on a couch, who had his head shaved. The boy named Connie just flashed a a smile.

"This is Marco and Jean." she said, talking about the two boys sitting next to Connie, "They're pretty cool." One had a dark brown undercut and his face had freckles spread across it. The other boy had a frosty undercut and light brown eyes.

"Hi." Marco greeted with a smile.

"H-hi." Jean stuttered.

"Hi." I returned the greeting then followed Sasha to another person, or persons. The next people were a group of three, sitting on the end of the couch.

Two were boys, one was a muscular looking blonde and the other a very tall boy with dark brown hair. The other was a rather short girl with light blonde hair, which was pulled back into a bun, letting her bangs fall in front of her face. She was also wearing a white hoodie.

"That's Reiner." Sasha said, pointing to the blonde, "He's pretty fun."

"Hey." he greeted.

"And that's Ber... Bert... Bertholdt? I can never pronounce his name so I just call him Bert." she informed,  having trouble with the tall ones name, "He doesn't talk too much..."

"I-it's Bertholdt." the boy sitting in the middle of the three stuttered.

"Right, and that's Annie." Sasha informed, "She's kind of a lone wolf."

"A lone wolf?" I asked.

"Yeah, she tends to like being by herself." Sasha explained. Annie wasn't even paying attention to us, but at her phone, "She doesn't talk that much either."

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