Chapter Seven

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Mikasa's POV

When we got to the party, we met up with the group. The party wasn't anything special, just teens dancing to the music blaring through the speakers and colorful strobe lights that lit up the dark room.

After a short while, I was bored. Nobody was really hanging out with me and I had nothing to do. I sighed and then headed up the stairs to the roof, where nobody was probably at, so I could be alone.

When I got to the roof, it was empty, like I thought it would be. There was the door that I just came out of, that had stairs leading down to the club, and there was also a weird storage looking room on here too, which looked like a metal box with a door. It probably had some equipment or stuff inside. There were also the generators, vents and other stuff up here, which wasn't a surprise, most buildings had them on the roof. There was also an amazing view from up here.

The sky was full of stars. I walked over and leaned over the rail, looking out at the city, watching cars go by below and lights flicker on buildings.

Then, I heard the door behind me squeak as it opened. Startled by the sudden noise, I turned around to see Eren. "There you are." he said, seeming to have been looking for me, "Bored?"

I nodded 'yes' and watched as he came up beside me, taking in the view as well. "It sure is peaceful up here..." he commented.

"Yeah." I agreed, then took a glance at him. I never really payed much attention to his face, which was quite pretty if I must say. His eyes looked gorgeous when the lights reflected off them, along with his skin.

"Something wrong?" he asked, turning to me, noticing my stare. I didn't realize I was staring.

"No, sorry." I quickly replied, then looked back at the scenery, "Man, I'm cold." I said, then wrapped my arms around myself. I dropped them back to my sides after I realized that wasn't helping.

"Here-" he started, but was cut off by a sound.

We heard a squeaking noise, like the door opening again. I turned around, but saw nothing new.

"I could've sworn I heard the door open." Eren said, looking in the same direction as me.

"Me too..." I replied, looking around the door.

"Strange..." he commented, scanning the area. Then, he seemed to get closer to me. Does he think someone's up here? I wondered, looking back at his face. He didn't seem too worried, he looked prepared actually. "Show yourself." Eren commanded.

Then, two men stepped out from behind one of the tall vents. "Give us the girl." one of them commanded, then held a knife in one hand. The other man seemed to have no weapon.

"No." Eren answered, then grabbed my wrist, not forcefully but gently.

"Then we'll just take her." one of the men snickered then came at Eren. Quickly, Eren took action and ran, dragging me along with him.

"Here!" Eren said and opened the storage room, then pushed me inside, closing the door, he seemed to be leaning against it, to keep me inside.

"Hey, let me out!" I demanded, "I can defend myself!"

"No, stay in there!" Eren said from the other side of the door. Then, I heard lots of noises like hitting and groaning, which meant they were fighting. I heard a 'thud' noise as well. "Stay away from her!" he shouted.

"You bastard!" I heard one man say, "You'll pay for that, you monster!"

"Get off!" I heard Eren yell, followed with hitting sounds. Then, I heard Eren yell, "Shit!"

As soon as he yelled that, something roughly hit against the door. It got silent after that. "Eren...?" I called, twisting the doorknob. The door was slightly hard to push, but I managed to push it open. Looking down at my feet, I suddenly felt my stomach twist at the sight. It was blood.

The two men were lying limply on the ground, unconscious, away from the door. Slowly, I stepped to the other side of the door, afraid to look. Opening my eyes that were closed, I looked, my heart dropping in my chest.

It was Eren, covered in blood, the man's knife stabbed in his side.

"No... no no no no..." I begged, approaching his body, tears welling up in my eyes, "No..."


Why would he risk his life for me?

He barely even knows me...

I'm just a burden to him, yet he fought to protect me, and he lost...

Another life wasted on protecting me...

Blinking away my tears, I fell to my knees, next to his body. I picked up his bloody arm, desperate to find a sign of life. I then felt for a pulse, only to find nothing. No pulse. Then, I put my ear to his chest, not caring about the blood, listening for a heartbeat.

No heartbeat.

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