"You're telling me that you met an incredibly hot guy that's totally into you and you didn't think to tell me?" Maggie's stare was like a lion observing it's prey. "I didn't think you could last that long."

"You're kidding right?" I burst out, "It was the hardest thing I've ever had to do!" 

"Then why didn't you tell me?" Maggie rolled her eyes, trying not to crack a smile. "I may be asexual but I'm not heartless. Well I mean...anyway, you can talk to me, Wes. You can tell me things."

"I know and I wanted to but, I guess I just wanted to keep it to myself, you know? I was kind of afraid that if I told you it would make it real and that means it'll have to end eventually." I shook my head. "I'm scared of this, Maggie."

"You should be." She shrugged, "Love isn't easy." 

"What would you know about love?"

"When you don't have all those feelings crowding your mind, it gives you a lot more room to think about this crap. I think you're all ridiculous."

"Thanks, Maggie." 

"Anytime, Wesley."

I held Will's hand as we walked to the Room of Requirement. You couldn't hear a thing from the hallway which was both unsettling and exciting. I had my camera in my other hand, ready to film as soon as walked in. As we turned the corner, we were met with a few people loitering outside with red solo cups in their hands. I glanced at Will who bumped my shoulder and grinned at me.

"Ugh couples." Maggie groaned from behind us. She had never had any interest in going to parties but tonight she was determined to go. I wasn't sure if it was because she was mad at me for not telling her about Will or what but every time she slipped out of my mind she appeared all over again with a sarcastic comment. 

Will snorted lightly before leading the way into the Room of Requirement. The first thing we were met with was a short dark hallway. Music echoed faintly through the walls and colorful lights were visible underneath the door at the end of the corridor. It was big enough that both walls were layered with more people with daring clothes and alcohol filled cups. It felt dangerous and amazing all at once.

The walk was short but felt like forever until we finally made it to the door. Will hesitated for only a moment, looking at me excitedly. When the door finally swung open it was like we were stepping into another world. 

The room was enormous. I couldn't see the end of it and even if I wanted to, there were way too many people in the way. There were no lights except for the blinking strobe lights that bounced off of walls and people and made it feel like a dream. The music was so loud it felt like the notes were flowing through my veins and it was cliche but the adrenaline in the room was contagious. No matter how much I hated parties, with Will's hand in mine I was sure tonight would be good.

"Did you ever tell the interviewees about each other?" Maggie yelled into my ear suddenly. 

"No." I replied with a frown. "Why?"

"Don't be stupid, Wes." It only took a second for me to realize what she was talking about and when I did the feeling of total happiness seemed to fade. 

"Shit." I muttered. Everyone in our year was at this party and one of my main rules was that the interviewees weren't supposed to know about each other which I had maintain for the most part. But now we were all in the same room and if they saw me there was no doubt they would say hi and I knew they were smart enough to figure out what was happening. 

"Maybe they won't connect the dots." Maggie shrugged. "Do they know you don't have any friends?"

"I am totally screwed."

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