The next year the Potter Generation met in London where Olivia and Draco lived. They had gotten a little flat that was crappy and cheap but they decorated like a real home. They traveled on weekends and used magic as little as possible. They didn't have much money or good jobs but Draco's mother left them some cash sometimes because she was finally healing and the couple was grateful. They didn't have many plans for the future but that was OK. They were together and that's all that mattered.

The year after that, they all made the trek to Cuba where Ian was in his second year in university. He was learning as his mother once did and Slughorn called often to remind him of his potential and for once it wasn't exaggerated. Evie always suggested that he would be just like his mother but he refused to think that far. Ian showed the crew around the island and they almost got arrested which made the trip thoroughly memorable. Ian and Evie were still dating and making up their missing years.

Three years after Hogwarts the friends had their party in Scotland at Will's grandparents house. He argued about how lame that was but Wes insisted. His grandparents were more than happy. They explored the Scotland country side looking for Hogwarts and told stories about lives. It somehow seemed that nothing had changed. Except of course that everyone was happy for once. 

The next year Evie hosted at her house that she shared with Ian. They were engaged by then and Ian was out of university with a job and Evie worked as one of the head healers at St. Mungo's. The group sat in their little living room and watched Love Actually and there was not a dry eye in the room. 

Of course Wes went last because he wanted to be dramatic and also the best. By then he lived in France and was working on his fourth documentary. The others teased him about it but he didn't lose his motivation. He never did anymore. Maggie was a surprise guest that year but only because she lived upstairs and wanted to complain about the noise. She shared a flat with Rhys which made Olivia scream louder than a banshee. There was some skinny dipping involved that year. 

And with that the Potter Generation lived their lives. They still talked and had parties and were recognized occasionally on the streets as those documentary kids. They married and had kids and owned pets and found homes yet their Hogwarts years always stayed in their finds. It was impossible to forget something as great as that. Even with new rules, the Potter Generation somehow found their way. 

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