Chpt 16

418 15 3

I woke up and looked at my clock which read
7:47 am

"Oh my God! We're late! " I said to Liam while trying to wake him up

"Liam get up! We're late to school!"

I got up and headed to the restroom to brush my teeth

I saw Liam get up and walk towards me
He was going to brush his teeth to until he asked in his freakin sexy ass morning voice

"Wait what are we late for?"


"Isn't it Saturday?" He went to check his phone

" No its Friday " I responded back

I finished brushing my teeth but heard no response from Liam

I walked back into the room and saw him under my covers with his eyes closed
He smirked at me and said
"It's Saturday"

I rolled my eyes feeling ashamed

"I knowwww I was just uh testing you, you certainly passed " I smiled


I laid back down and went to sleep

I woke up to Liam laughing and talking on the phone

"Haha yeah of course, I'll see you tonight " I heard him say smiling

He saw me awake and he said

"Hey text me when you can ... Alright bye" while smiling

He looked over at me with his shiny blue eyes damn I can never get over them

"Morning..again" he said laughing

"You seem jolly, who were you talking to?"

" Hayden" he said looking away

"Liam,  just because we're dating doesn't mean you can't talk to other girls" I said

"I mean I talk to Stiles and stuff" I said realizing I don't have friends. Wow I don't have friends

"I know" he said blankly
"And that's why we're gonna see a movie tonight" he say smiling

"Oh you guys are?"

"Yup" he said

"Oh" I said sadly. Him and I haven't gone to see a movie in a while

I glanced over at my clock that said 9:56

"We'll have fun" I said getting a little upset and walking to the restroom

"This is going to be a lonnnggggg Saturday" I whispered to myself

Ok I haven't updated I'm sorry 😭 but I will 💕
I deleted the app for space and then I just redownloaded  it today
This was a short chapter but more is to come hope you all understand 😊💘

-Jazzy Sprayberry😉😛💕

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