Chpt 17

227 8 4

I was laying down on the couch 'watching' Cinderella. I was actually on my phone and just had the tv on to feel less alone

Scott was out with his friends and Liam was gone... with Hayden

It was 10:00pm and I had just liked an Instagram post when I heard a knock on my door
Who's knocking on doors at 10:00 at night?!

I went to the door and opened it to see Mason standing there with things in his hands

"I kinda figured you were lonely tonight since Liam told me he was going out with Hayden"

"Uhh yeah....anyway what do you have there"
I said pointing at his hands

He walked in the house
"Scary movies" he said with a smirk on his face

"Hell nah... Scary movies my ass we're not watching any"

I hate scary movies I can't stand them

"Come on!!! It'll be fun"
"No Mason... Thanks for trying to keep me company but I think I'm just gonna go to sleep "

Mason soon realized something was wrong

"What wrong Liv?"

"Nothing" I said turning off the tv

"Yeah right" mason said back

"Liam and Hayden ok?!... I don't understand how they go see a movie and I haven't even gone to the movies with Liam in a while "

Mason then said
"Well I'll talk to Liam tomorrow and see what's up ok?"

"Thank you" I replied

"Alright well I guess I'll let you sleep night" he walked over and hugged me

"Bye thanks again"

I went upstairs brushed my teeth and then put my phone on my side table

My phone buzzed
It was a text from Liam saying goodnight

I didn't respond
I closed my eyes and went to sleep

I woke up and saw my phone I had 2 texts from Scott last night asking if I wanted anything to eat 
I looked at the time and it said 11:00 am

I decided it was late enough so I got up and got ready
For what? I don't know

I'm guessing Scott was at Kira's house and his mom was working because nobody was home

I turned on the tv and watched Pretty Little Liars because why not

I've been watching tv all day now and it's 5:45 when my phone rang
It was a text from Violet
"Garrett and I are going to the woods tonight to see the city lights wanna come?"

"Sure what time"


It was 9:00 and I was waiting for Violet and Garrett to pick me up

They finally arrived and we started making our way to the woods

I heard them talking in front of me but I couldn't hear what they were saying

I texted Scott that I was with them to let him know I wasn't gonna be home

We finally got to the woods and in the middle of no where they both stopped

I looked at them and said "what happened guys  we still have to walk more to see the city lights"

"Yeah about that we don't want to see them anymore " violet said

"Oh okay well then let's go back home"
I said

"They turned around and I see a whip like thing in Violet's hand

"What's that for?" I asked

"your neck" Garrett said

"What?!" I replied feeling those nerves starting to rush through my body again

"Get her" violet said

I felt my hands with the claws

Garrett got a branch and tried to whack me with it

I had fast reflexes so I swatted the branch and broke in half
I threw the branch and got Garrett close to me when he was close enough I kicked him in the stomach as hard as I can
He fell to the floor
I turned around and saw violet coming at me with her rope
I got the rope and whipped her it when I saw they were both wounded I started running back home as fast as I can

I don't know what's happening right now I need to tell the boys

Sister McCall ❦ (A dylan sprayberry fanfic)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant