Chapter 17

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*Ellie's POV*

I miss my bestfriend.. I just miss her so much.. I miss the days we used to spend all our time together.

Now that she's with Harry, she doesn't even have any time for me. I don't know if I'm for her still a bestfriend or just a normal friend.

I was waiting for her to call for the past 4 days, but she didn't call, or even text.

I opened twitter to check her news, all I found was just a video of her that's said "I'm sorry"

I opened it and decided to watch, I mean she's my bestfriend, even if we don't talk anymore.

The tears were drowning down my face. She cried. DO you know how much that hurts? To see your bestfriend crying and just feeling so down.

I quickly took my phone, that was on the couch and dialled Katie's number.

"Elliieeee" Katie screamed from the other side of the phone.

"Heyy" I said, trying so much not to cry.

"Are you crying Ellie?"

"Uem, I saw your video"


"Look, Katie. I don't know what happened with us, I mean we don't talk anymore and I don't really know if for you i'm still a bestfriend or not.."

"What? Are you insane? Ofcourse you're still my bestfriend till the last heartbeat. It's just that I felt really really down these days, I mean all this drama on twitter and stuff"

"I'm sorry I wasn't there"

"Ellie, stop it.. Don't apologize. I should.."

"I want to see you" I cut her off.

"I'm at Harry's. Come over" 

"On my way. Love you" I said as I hanged up.

I went to my closet and picked up a summer dress and wedges.

As soon as I finished my hair and make up, I quickly ran to the door and made my way to the 1D house.

*Katie's POV*

I was waiting for Ellie. I missed her. I mean do you know how it feels like to not talk to your bestfriend for a long time? It feels awful. I needed her.

10 minutes later the doorbell rang. I went to open the door to welcome Ellie in.

I was home alone.. The boys should all come home today.

"Elliee" I screamed and envolved her in a very big hug.

"I missed you" She gave me this I-miss-you-so-much-hug.

I took her hand and we went in.

"Come, we'll sit in the living room." I said to Ellie who looked so gorgeous like always.

"So, I want you to tell me every-single-thing" Ellie told me, as we sat down.

"It all just happened, when Nathan..."


"What? I can't believe all that happened to you and you didn't even tell me anything. I had to be there for you and I wasn't.. Why?" Ellie almost cried.

"Ellie, I needed some time alone, I have to admit I needed you but trust me I couldn't talk or just do anything. You know I love this, I mean me and Harry, but all this drama is just freaking me out"

"You should've told me even if you felt down" She said.

"I'm sorry? I know how you'll forgive me.. Let's order pizzaaaa"

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