Chapter 21

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Hey guys !
I'm sorry I updated after a long time ! Hope you guys continue reading my books ! Don't forget to volmellow ! And this chapter is dedicated to livswiftie for giving me a shoutout on instagram and appreciating my work ! Love you Olivia !

Lots of love to all my followers and friends !
~ June ♡♥♡

Reason #21 : They are not fake sympathisers . 


Alejandro asked his manager to make arrangements for their travel and Aaron told Ella about the whole my father is a king and I am a prince and I belong to the royal family of an island country.
She was shocked for a while but then everything was back to normal , except , everything wasn't normal , Aaron was a fucking prince !

All of them , except Sophia , left the next morning at 9:00 am for The Isle of Tarascoranca in a private jet .

" Aaron , This is Elsa , she's your personal manager , if you guys need anything or don't like something or are uncomfortable , if there's any problem , tell her , she'll get it sorted out. " said Mr. Alejandro , introducing a lady who was in her mid thirties.

"Thanks dad , but I don't think I need a manager , I'm fine.. " said Aaron.

" No , you do , you need to learn about your kingdom and when you become the king , you'll need me to run your schedule. You're too young to handle all of that alone." Said Elsa.

"Now ! Everyone make yourself comfortable , who would like to drink some passion fruit mocktail ? " asked Mr. Alejandro.

" Your highness I'll arrange some for all of you. " said Elsa and left.

" So is Tarascoranca a cool place or a warm place ?" Asked Emily.

" It has 6 months summer and 6 months winter , and transitional Spring and Autmn . The climate's pretty good so no need to worry. " said Mr. Alejandro.

" And what kind of dresses are we expected to wear ? Because I can see you're wearing Valentino!" asked Emily.

"Babe! Are you gonna grill the the king about his fashion choices ? I bet he's got other stuff to do ! " said Ross.

Everyone laughed.

"Don't worry about anything. We have everything ready for you. And you're going to love it. " said Elsa as she was back with a stewardess with our drinks.

We drank the mocktails and talked for a while ,about Tarascoranca , and after all it wasn't a bad place or a remote village kinda place , it was just like any other developed country .
They had schools , colleges, malls , palaces, Gucci, Victoria's Secret , McDonald's , Starbucks etcetera etcetera.

It was pretty normal , with a monarch running the country .

All tired faces , went to sleep after eating sandwiches to wale up at 5 in the morning to step on the land of Tarascoranca !

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2018 ⏰

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