The Fighting Force

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Thantalus was sitting ok the ground leaning against his ship with Susanna. They talked about little things. It would have been peaceful if not for a certain Fallen skiff went sliding on the ground in front of them and then out of view. A large crash was heard then the emergency nota came running by with fire extinguishers. It was funny really.

It wasn't long before Thantalus and Susanna were supposed to meet up with Alex to be introduced to the Fallen and Regular squadron they would be commanding. Just like a few other select fire teams would be doing the same. Ending the idle chatter with him Susanna stood and motioned for Thantalus to follow her. They had become increasingly close as of late, and he didn't mind one bit. They entered the staging area for the two forces and went to their assigned meeting place.

Alex joined them just as their extras paraded around the corner. There were about the same number of humans and Fallen, probably around a hundred of each. There was one human who stood out by his ornate helm he carried with him and leading the columns of Fallen was a Captain, his cape flowing behind him and his searching six eyes roaming over the hangar. Dual cutlasses were crossed on his back. Both leaders walked with an unbroken pride and a defiance toward each other.

The columns halted about ten yards in front of  Thantalus and his fire team. The two leaders walked forward. Thantalus noticed the large revolver that laid on his hip, less a hand gun and more a hand cannon! The two leaders walked forward a did a slight bow in front of the guardians. A stern silence spread over the group as the two waited for the other to speak. The Human finally spoke up. He was a bit shorter than Thantalus as Guardians were naturally taller than the normal human race. His deep silver eyes shone with a young light though he was not a young man.
"Therilus Gaius Maximus at your service sir Warlock. You may call me General, or you may call me Ther."

Thantalus was sure he could hear the Fallen Captain scoff at the greeting the Human gave him.
"Pleasure to meet you General! It's been a while since we have worked with free agents!"

"Well we are not exactly mercenaries, just normal humans who have refused to stand by and watch all you Guardians do our fighting!"

He laughed at that and stepped back to allow the Fallen Captain to introduce himself. He was a head taller than Thantalus and his black and grey armor made him look all the more intimidating. The captain had a long three pronged car that ran from his left cheek all the way up to his rearmost eye. His six eyes where blue as the sky and the teeth that stuck from his mouth like canines as white as snow. A blue mantle flowed around him, with his two left arms he swept it back and did a low bow of respect while crossing his right arms over his chest.

"Greetingss ssir varlock..."

He had that strange accent the Kell had,

"Ve come to you to fvight as vone fvorce, and rod vour land ov ze Taken, Hell's Sspawn. It iss an honor to kill vith you Guardian. My name is Venninir, Arkon Slayer."
With that the Captain rose back up and offered Thantalus an arm, they clasped forearms and nodded to each other.

"The pleasure is all mine," Thantalus was trying to sound as diplomatic as possible, he was always weary of Fallen,
"Our people have fought each other for far too long, and we hope this will bring is more of a peace." The two warriors unclasped each other's arm and walked back. While this was going on Alex was inspecting the Fallen forces and Susanna was inspecting the Human forces. The two commanders stopped and turned to look at their work. Thantalus stood beside him. Susanna stopped as she inspected the weaponry of the largest of the humans. He had a large pack on his back. Susanna asked the soldier to bring his weapon to the front. The human walked forward and laid a large six barreled machine infront of the three commanders.
Susanna looked confused,

"What on Earth is that!"
She exclaimed, obviously excited.
Ther spoke up and answered her question

"A little piece of Golden Age tech that our boys back home dug up. It was in a large crate. He call it a mulcher, nothing like it this side of Earth!"

Susanna picked up the weapon like it was a toy, a Titans strength was unrivaled by almost anything. The human forces looked at each other in surprise and started murmuring. The large soldier who brought the gun up had a defeated look on his face, a woman just lifted with one arm what he had to carry with two. Ther couldn't help but to laugh at his men's reactions.
Susanna put the weapon down and patted the soldier on the back.
Attention turned to Alex when they noticed him looking at one of the Vandals sniper rifles. The two were having an in audible conversation over the weapon when Alex pulled out a bag of glimmer(currency) and handed it to the Vandal who then handed the man the gun. Alex trotted back over a grin and the Vandal enthusiastically put the glimmer in some unseen pouch. Venninir pinched the bridge of his 'snout' and mumbled something in Fallen, extracting a smirk from Ther.

Thantalus turned to the fighting force. He was red to say something but Ther interrupted and said he would do it, as he spoke, Venninir copied what he said in Fallen tongue,

"We now stand in the threshold of greatness! We have trained and fought for a chance to strike deep in the heart of the Hive! Are you willing to stand with me!?!"

The soldiers chorused
"Yes Sir!!!" And armor called as they beat their fist to their chest once

"Hesa trol!!!" The Fallen forces yelled after Vanninir finished repeating

"Are we gonna run?"

"No sir!!!"
"Haba trol!"


"(Illegible Fallen cheers)"

Thantalus smiled and turned to his companions,

"Let the march on the moon begin..."

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