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Susanna sat on the roof of the Tower, the same spot she and Thantalus would always sit. She missed him more than anything. For a while she have up hope that he was actually alive and this was all just a sick joke, but ten years passed. A blink of an eye for Guardians yet it seemed like forever. Every time it would Storm at the Tower she would cry and her heart would break a little more with every flash of lightning.

After the battle, they sent search parties out to find Thantalus and his Ghost. However, they couldn't even find where the crystal actually sat, they found two large axes the Colossus used but that was it, and those were miles apart from the epicenter. As a memorial, they left Thantalus' ship as a reminder to all guardians who died there. His name was already being imputed into the History Databases at the Tower. She smiled at the thought. Thantalus, a hero among heroes. He hated attention mostly, never was much of a talker. She loved him anyways.

She recently heard news that Thantalus' ship went missing a few weeks ago. Yet her heart sank when all reports pointed to the Fallen. The same house who soon turned their back on the Light. The House of Winter. The Kell of that house had been murdered by one if his Captains while he slept and the Captain took over from there, letting his hatred for the Guardians spread over most of the Fallen house. The Shadows sank into mystery and History along with the Captain from Thantalus' team, a few dregs and vandals, and some others who were convinced to follow.

*somewhere on Earth*
Thantalus' Fhost hung over his body. Four of the five Fallen Shadows and Venninir sat close to his body. They were inside a cave hiding from the House of Winter who decided that they were traitors and needed to be killed. Riker, the mulcher wielding Human, walked in through the mouth of the cave and a fifth Shadow materialized behind him with a saber to the mans neck,

"Whoa, easy there! I'm a friendly!"

The Shadow lowered his weapon and limped over to the group of Fallen and a Human sat around a small fire. Riker snatched as the Ghost used some sort of Light energy to fix Thantalus' wounds. He still wasn't breathing though. The Ghost stopped then turned to Riker and Venninir,

"There's only one thing I can do now and that is to fuse part if myself with Thantalus, that way I will still be here as will he!"

Venninir looked at the small machine,

"Vine jusst do it alvedy!"
Riker responded,
"For once, in with the Fallen..."

The Fhost turned back to the Guardian and erupted into a bright flash if light.

Thantalus could feel his head begin to throb, he slowly opened his eyes.  His Ghost floated over him and was twitching with excitement,

"Guardian! Guardian! Wake up Guardian! You've been dead for quite some time! Do you remember your name?"

Thantalus was still a bit groggy, and hungry, he sat up and nodded his head,


The Ghost twitched again and asked another question,

"Do you remember who they are?"

Thantalus looked around the room at the odd colection of things in the room, six of them had four arms and one of them was definitely Human.

"Who the hell are y'all?"

The Human stood up and did a small bow,

"I'm Riker, and this is Venninir, these other five don't have names but they are called the Shadows.  A pleasure to meet you again Sir Warlock. Every Fallen in the room took their right two arms and crossed it over their chest and did a slight bow. 
Thantalus looked between the six and there was only one question  he could ask,

"What the fuck happened to me?"

Riker looked at the others and nodded then sat in front of Thantalus, telling him about everything he knew about him. From the type of energy he used to how the battles went down. He even over exaggerated the size of the Colossus. He told him of the big battle and that the whole world thinks he's dead. Riker then told him about a certain Titan, Susanna.

"Do you remember her, Thantalus?"

Thantalus searched his mind and when he said her name only one feeling engrossed his whole body,

"Yes, I love her"


Susanna recently found herself wandering outside the city walls not really searching for anything just wandering. She found herself wandering down a deserted and demolished highway, filled with rusted cars. I the distance she saw something leaned up against one of the cars. She raised her rifle and slowly made her wag to the figure. Her knees began to weaken as the man turned around to face her, the man had medium length white hair and lightning blue eyes and a scar on his face none could replicate.
Her weapon hit the ground as she fainted,


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