Finding the Chamber

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It was their second year, and the three remained best friends.

James had wanted to find the Chamber of Secrets, just like his dad did in his second year, even though James was already third year.

Of course everyone knew where it was, but no one could speak parseltongue. Until Lolita showed up, and had the ability to.

She didn't know herself. She didn't know anyone in her family that could. It confused her, but she had so much fun exploring the Chamber of Secrets.

Of course she was terrified, but Albus was beside her, holding her hand. He always held her hand in moments of fear. Always.

And James would crack a joke that made them all smile.

"I think, I think I'm going to tell her how I feel." James said one night. Albus didn't reply.

He knew for sure, that Lolita would say yes. Why? Because who wouldn't like James? He was attractive, funny, and did he mention attractive?

He could feel his heartbreaking before his brother even did anything.

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