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Hey guys! This will be the last update until next Sunday, because sadly, midterms are this week, starting on Tuesday. Wish me luck! Anyway, enjoy the chapter and the song is Halsey, it's called New Americana! Love you guys!!!😊❤️

Connor's P.O.V

The bell rings, signaling the end of the school day.

I jump out of my seat and race to the parking lot.

I see my mom waiting for me. the surgery is over by now, and I have to see her.

I don't want her to die.

I hop into the car and my mom just drives. She knows that I need to see her and we can't waste time.

When we get to the hospital, we go up to her room.

My mom tells me I should go in alone.

I walk in, and the sight breaks me.

She's laying there, motionless, a bunch of tubes hooked up to her and a bunch of monitors beeping.

I walk over to where she lays.

Her eyes are closed.

I think about how, in the fairy tales, a true loves kiss breaks the spell and the girl wakes up.

I can't do that. I don't want to do that. Wait, do I? I don't even know anymore.

The overwhelming urge to kiss her becomes too strong, and I get close to her. Our lips centimeters apart. I lean in close, all of my emotions taking control, not listening to what my brain is saying.

And, I kiss her.

My first kiss, with my best friend, my dying best friend, who I now realize I am in love with.

It just makes the pain even worse, because I still don't know if she's going to wake up.

I stand up. I walk out of the room, thinking about what I just did.

I sit down on the chair outside the room.

I run my fingers through my hair.

I sigh and pull out my headphones and listen to the recording of us singing.

Her voice is so powerful, so moving. I can't believe I might never hear it again.

Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep.

The monitors in her room are going crazy.

The doctors run in and they're shouting.

I yank out my headphones and try to get through the door.

"Move! Get back!" The doctor shouts at me.

I move out if the doorway.

"Her heart is slowing! The internal bleeding has spread to her chest! It's going to be at her heart soon! Move! Come on we need to get her into surgery now!" The doctor shouts as he is running out the door, followed by a bunch of doctors and nurses.

They run her bed down the hall.

They turn, and then, they're gone.

I can't control myself. I fall to the ground and burst into tears.

I'm angry at myself for letting this happen to her.

If I had never left, she wouldn't have tried to kill herself.

If I hadn't left her there, in her bedroom, she would still be here with me.


This can't be happening. I need her.

She got out of surgery, and she was fine.

For about 30 minutes.

Then her monitor went off. It beeped for a few minutes and the doctors couldn't do anything because her heart was slowing. The beats were getting farther and farther apart.

The were ready to restart her heart if it stopped.

It stopped after a few minutes, and they got her heart started again, but her heartbeat is getting weaker by the minute.

I heard one of the doctors say there was nothing they could do.

That she would need a miracle.

This is what made me come here.

I'm in a church.

I'm praying. I'm praying for her life.

I can't be without her.

I just can't.

She can't die without knowing how I feel about her.

She just can't.

I get up and leave the church.

I walk around town for a little while.

Then I get a text from my mom.

I open it and when I read it,

I run.


Hey!!!!! Did you like the chapter? What do you think the text was about? Good news or bad news? I know it's short, please don't hate me! Anyway, as I said, last chapter until next Sunday. . Sorry midterms suck. But, they're over on Friday so yay! Anyway, vote, and comment! Love you guys soooooo much!!!!!!!!!! 😊❤️

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