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Okay, so a lot of you wanted an epilogue, so here it is:

*10 years later*

"...to have and to hold, to love and to cherish, for as long as you both shall live?" The priest asks Connor.

"I do."

"You may kiss the bride."

I kiss Connor, and I swear each time is better than the last.

Connor and I are happily married now. My parents didn't come to the wedding, even though I sent them three invitations.

But, all is well. Connor and I couldn't be happier.

*1 year later*

It's my 27 birthday today. I've decided to surprise Connor with something he won't forget.

I enter the family room, where all of our friends and family, minus my parents, because of course, they didn't show up, are seated.

I unwrap all the gifts people have given me and I thank everyone.

Now, I stand, because it's time for me to announce this.

"Okay, I have an announcement!" Everybody quiets and waits because I think they all suspect what I'm going to say.

"I'm pregnant."

Screams of delight, and congratulations come at me, but Connor just sits there in shock. When all the commotion calms down, I go over to him.

"What's the matter? Aren't you happy we're having a baby?" I ask gently.

"I just can't believe that you and me, that we can make something so beautiful."

"But, it hasn't been born yet. How could you possibly know it's beautiful?" I ask.

"Because you and me made it."

I smile, because I know that whatever life is going to throw at us, me and Connor will be ready.

And I'm glad.


Hey loves! That's the epilogue! By the way, the official ship name for Harmony and Connor is Honnor, thanks to IAMUnchained ! Okay, now for the actual last time,

Love you all!!!!!!!! 😊❤️

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