The Old Neighborhood

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I growl in frustration "Where is he?" My eyes search the street, but I don't see the face I'm looking for. Then, without warning, I feel an arm wrap around me. I turn, and get ready to beat the dirtball who would dare touch me. When I see the familiar face of Alphonse Capone I glare at him "You!"

 Al smirks "You haven't been waiting that long!" 

"Long enough! What did you want to show me?" 

A sneak grin spreads across his face "I'm not sure if I should show you now. You're being so moody today."

 "Damn it, Al! Just take me wherever you're going to take me!" 

"Come on." He offers me his arm, and he leads me deeper into the city of Brooklyn. As we walk down the street I can't help but notice that nearly every person keeps their eyes downcast as they pass us. Al has made a name for himself in Johnny Torrio's gang, and people have come to fear him. I know what kinds of things Al does for Johnny, but it's not my place to ask, and I don't want to know. 

One particular gentleman we pass decides to whistle at me "Hey sweetheart! Why don't you bring that ass over here?" 

Al turns towards him and grabs his arm "You want to try that again?" 

The man suddenly recognizes Al, and realizes that I am with him. He immediately turns white "I'm sorry, Al. I didn't realize the lady was with you." 

I can't  help but smirk as Al motions to me"I think you owe the lady an apology." The man quickly mutters an apology before scurrying away. Al has always been like a big brother to me, and is very protective over me. Once the man is out of sight, Al and I continue walking. I smile "I think you scared the poor man to death."

"Good. He needs to learn how to speak to a lady, especially my girl."

"Your girl? Last time I checked I'm no ones girl." Al chuckles as we head down an alley. My curiosity is peaked when we come to a door. The building stands at twelve stories high, and casts a long shadow across Celeste Street. Al smirks as he pulls a key out of his pocket to open the door. He turns back to me, and holds out his hand "Come on!" We climb every stair until we reach a door that leads out onto the roof. Once we step foot out onto the roof, I know why Al has brought me here. The building stands high enough that you can see for miles. It is absolutely stunning "Wow."

 "You can see the whole city. The guy who runs the building is in business with Johnny, so I got the key." 

"It's incredible. I feel like I could fly away." 

I walk over so I'm standing right at the ledge of the roof. Al glances at me as if he fears that I really will jump off and take flight. I touch his arm in reassurance and smile"I could come up here to escape my mother."

"She still wants you to marry that kid?"

 "He's respectable, Al. He's a Bradford. He comes from good money, one day he'll inherit the bank that his father runs. I would be comfortable for the rest of my life. What more could a Brooklyn girl ask for?" I frown slightly as I think about the respectable James Bradford. He is everything a girl should want. A respected name, handsome, sweet. That's all he is though. The few times that I have spoken with him have consisted of dry conversation that go no deeper than the weather. I want something more. 

"He doesn't deserve you." The bitterness in Al's voice makes me laugh

"Quit acting like a big brother for just one minute." My smirk widens "Alphonse." 

Al flinches at the sound of his full name, but he quickly covers it with a smile "Be careful, Margaret." I glare at him "I told you never to call me that." Al's face breaks into a full grin as he playfully puts me in a loose choke hold.

"Let me go, you oaf!" I'm sure the entire street can hear my laughter as we playfully wrestle. After a few minutes we sit down, and Al rests his head in my lap. He smiles up at me "You're too good for this neighborhood, Mary. Your heart's too big."

"You're a good man, Al. Never forget that." The setting sun makes Al's eyes glow. Usually, his eyes are so dark that they are nearly black. The light makes them lighten to a chocolate brown with a splash of gold in the center. 

He takes my hand in his "I'll always protect you. I promise you that. No matter what I'll always be by your side."

"I know that, Al." 

When I look down to find him staring up at me, I can't help but wonder what he's thinking. Ever since Al started working for Johnny Torrio, he's changed. I suppose it's been for the better. Al has matured in these past few months. The teenage rowdiness has been left behind and Johnny has shaped him into a mature, charismatic business man.

My thoughts are disrupted when Al hums softly "I could stay here forever."

The breeze picks up Mary's short curls and whips them around her face. The glow of the setting sun and the playful wind makes her seem so ethereal. More goddess than human. It takes Al's breath away. In that moment, he wants to reach up and kiss her. He wants to make her forget the names of any other man on this earth. He wants to invade her thoughts the way that she invades his. He settles for taking her hand in his and pressing it to his face. Mary looks down and smiles that warm, soft smile that she always has when she looks at him. In this moment, he couldn't be happier.

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