Johnnys Warning

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It's two days until the wedding, and I am about to go crazy. Al's mother has been calling me constantly about small details that apparently "Need my attention." The fact that Al hasn't been home for the past four days makes it even worse. Hopefully, Johnny will be back in town tonight and then we can rest up before the wedding. I absently flip through Jane Eyre, but I eventually toss it aside out of boredom. I wander through the house until I find myself in our bedroom. I see my wedding dress hanging in the closet, and a smile creeps onto my face. I finger the silly material, and admire the rhinestones. Al had insisted on me getting only the perfect dress. I argued that I only needed a simple wedding dress, but he had already made up his mind. When Al makes up his mind it's final. My ears perk up when I hear the front door open. I grin gleefully as I run down the stairs. When I see Al I squeal "Al!" He turns just in time for me to jump off the stairs and straight into his arms. I hear am "Oomph!" As Al has to catch himself when my weight lands against him. My legs wrap around his waist and I can't help but laugh as Al looks at me as if I've lost my mind "What are you doing home?" Al grins "Johnny is back in town." I grin widely, and Al chuckles "Really? Oh my god!" I kiss Al fiercely, and when I pull away he's smirking "That's how every man should be greeted when he comes home." I grin as Al lowers me to my feet "I missed you, Al." He smiles "I missed you too. But we can talk about how much we missed each other later. We need to go get dressed." I quirk a brow "Why?" Al smiles "Johnny wants to have dinner with us tonight." I feel my face flush "Johnny does?" Al nods "He wants to really meet you." I gulp nervously, and I guess Al can sense my nervousness because he "It'll be fine." I nod "You're right." Al smiles "When have I ever been wrong?"

When I come down the stairs in one of my favorite swing dresses, Al smiles "Beautiful." I smile "You're not too bad yourself." Al wraps his arm around my hips as we walk outside to the car. Once we get to the restaurant we are lead to Johnny's table, and the older man stands up to greet us. I've never met Johnny, but I had heard many things about him. In my mind, I had pictured a burly man with a deep voice, and an intimidating gaze. While I was right about the intimidating gaze, Johnny is not what I had imagined. Johnny Torrio is an inch shorter than Al who stands at 5'11" and he is rather small. You can see the wrinkles that like his face, and even under his fedora you can see that his hair is white and receding. I was right about the intensity of his gaze though. Johnny has dark brown eyes and when they land on me I feel myself shudder. I can see the curiosity in his eyes, and when his eyes drift down to my belly I can see the twinkle of mischief. Nearly all of New York has heard the rumor that I'm pregnant, and I can see in Johnny's eyes that he doesn't believe it. Al smiles at Johnny as he shakes his hand "Johnny, this is Mary." Johnny nods his head respectfully "So you're the girl that has finally managed to tie Al down?" I smile "I'm not sure if I've quite accomplished that yet." Johnny motions to the table "Let's sit." Al pulls my chair out for me then takes the chair next to me. Johnny sits down across from us, and once again I see that curious look in his eye. A waiter soon appears to take our order, and Al orders for the two of us "We will both have the shrimp, and also bring me Scotch and her the wine." The waiter smiles and then moves onto Johnny who orders the veal. Once the waiter walks away, the three of us engage in polite conversation until our food comes then we eat in silence. Once we are ready to leave, Johnny smiles at Al "Why don't you get Mary's coat?" Al smiles at me before getting up and going to the coat check. Once Al is out of hearing range, Johnny looks at me sharply "Mary, i have to admit that I find you to be quite lovely." I smile "Well thank you." He nods "I want to make sure that there is an understanding between the two of us." I quirk a brow "Understanding?" Johnny never breaks my gaze, and I don't waver either "I need you to understand what kind of business Al is involved in." I stop Johnny "I understand perfectly well what kind of business Al is in." Johnny smiles "Good. You seem like a smart girl, and I hope you won't be a problem, but I have to cover all of my bases." I lean forward curiously as Johnny continues "In two days you won't just be marrying Al, but you will be marrying into the business. You will be marrying into the family. I just want there to be an understanding between us that you will not get in the way of Al's job. Al is a promising young man, and frankly I'm ready to retire. When I'm ready I'm planning on giving my empire over to Al, and I can't have you distracting him." I frown "Johnny, I understand perfectly clear. You don't have to make threats." He smiles "Good. I knew you were a smart girl. I hope you and Al will be happy together." I nod "We are." Johnny fixes me with a hard gaze although he still has a smile on his face "Just remember, Mary. In two days you won't just be marrying your neighborhood sweetheart. You will be marrying a man who will inherit an empire. Are you ready to stand behind that?" I nod "I am, Johnny. Although I don't know how Al's work has anything to do with our marriage?" Johnny chuckles "Silly girl, it has everything to do with it. When Al comes home at night with blood on him you have to wash his shirts, when he is out all night doing god knows what you'll be lying in bed alone. But it's more than just being lonely, Mary. Once Al takes over the business, he will be under constant threat. Which means that you will be too. Al will have power, and power makes him dangerous. People will want to cut him down like a weed. Or if they can't get to him, they'll come for you." I glare at Johnny "I know what the risks are when it comes to marrying Al, Johnny. I'm not a fool. It's a dangerous game, and if Al or I make one wrong move we could be killed. I know that. But let there be an understanding between you and I. When I marry Al in two days, I will be marrying the man that I love. I don't give a shit about bloody shirts, or lonely nights as long as Al comes home to me. So all of this talk about marrying into the family doesn't scare me, Johnny. I love him, and I will be by his side until the end." Johnny nods "I respect your devotion, Mary. I really do." He looks over my shoulder, and I turn to see Al heading back to the table. I smile at him, and stand up to get my coat "Thank you." Al turns to Johnny, who is standing and laying a hundred on the table. Al smiles as he shakes Johnny's hand "Thanks, Johnny." Johnny smiles "I'm looking forward to the wedding." Al nods and takes my hand as he leads us to the door. In the car, Al wraps his arm around me "Are you okay?" I nod as I hide my face in his neck "I'm fine. I love you, Al." Al wraps his other arm around me "I love you too, Mary." I close my eyes and get lost in the smell that is my Al, as I try to dispel Johnny's ominous warning from my mind.

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⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2019 ⏰

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