Chapter 14: Aphrodite's Hot Gossip

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(Third person P.O.V)

The Sun god Apollo stands uncomfortably in the huge clothes store which Aphrodite called him to. He is always a little on edge when she's around. Mainly because of her reputation of being the ultimate meddler in other people's business. She saunters up with a huge shopping cart burdened with a immense amount of extotic dresses and accessories. "Why did you call me here Aphrodite?  You made me stop over the Bahamas, I only have a few minutes until the temperature spikes to dangerous heights! That would seriously tarnish my rep. And make for bad haiku's!" Aphrodite just laughs while taking a blue leather jacket and putting it on over a purple dress. Her appearance is always changing to try and appear attractive to whoever looks at her. For Apollo its especially rapid as she takes on every look that he's ever fallen for, most constantly comes a special someone with blue eyes and thick blonde hair. "All I wanted to talk about is that dashing little daughter of yours! Lyra, isn't it?" Apollo eyes her suspiciously.
"Yeah what about her?" Aphrodite laughs once more as she takes more clothes out of the shopping cart. Either putting them back in or throwing them to the side.
"I just can't help but fall in love with the plot line! Her unfortunate fate and how she always stays tough, and that oh so adorable love interest!" She sighs dreamily.
"It's better than my favorite soap opera!" Apollo glares at her as she finishes with the shopping cart, over two thirds of the original amount being gone. "While my daughters fate with the quest and that curse are most definitely unfortunate and I would like to help more... My daughter is not some show for you to watch! And most importantly I definitely don't want to talk about my daughter's love life with you!" With that he disappears into a shower of golden sparks, going to continue his journey through the sky in his sun chariot...
Aphrodite smirks. "What a delicious time this'll turn out to be....."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2015 ⏰

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