A Pink Light

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My therapist always said that it was normal for me to feel guilty and take the blame for what happened to my family. Lucky me I never felt the guilt. It had been around ten years since I had slaughtered my entire family on a whim. Did I feel remorse? No. I was simply incapable of it.

The therapist I was court ordered to see after that night ten years ago really got on my nerves saying that eventually I would open up to him about what actually happened those ten years ago. He told me that I would finally break down to him about my brother. How having my brother kill, himself after what happened to my family does make me feel something. It's not a lie. I did feel sad about my brother when it happened. He was the only one spared in my killing spree and he went insane from what he saw all those years ago. Checked into a psych institute the next day and the day after that they found him hanging from the fan in his room.

I will admit that did make me sad, but it was the last emotion I felt. Ever since that day of seeing his body in the casket, burying him with the rest of our family I knew that I couldn't feel anymore. I was constantly on neutral. I knew that I had at one time felt love, which is now a forgotten concept to me. I remember feeling love from my mother and love for my little brother, but their gone now.

It's hard to remember what something feels like if you don't constantly feel it. So since I've been on autopilot for almost ten years the days just go on. I have urges and I fulfill them as I see fit. For example today I went to my therapist office like every Wednesday night and the office was empty. This was unusual because the receptionist always was there to greet me since I was the only late appointment.

I heard screams coming from my therapist's office and I took off running. I slammed open to door to find the girl receptionist beat up on the ground crying while the man I looked at silently for an hour every day for the past ten years was ripping off her clothing. He stopped seeing her look behind him. Turning around he saw me looming over the situation. He stood up walking toward me saying how he could explain as the girl continued to sob on the ground. I looked at her once more then took out my nine inch pocket knife stabbing him in the gut.

He fell to the ground when I ripped the knife out of him and I kneeled down. I continued to stab him. Over and over and over again until he stopped twitching from the blade hitting him. I took his wallet out of his pocket and gave the girl all of the money it held.

"Run. Don't look back because you don't know what happened here. You were jumped and barely got away." I turned back to my now former therapist and whispered one last word to her, "Leave."

I heard her get up unsteadily struggling to get to the wall and ran as fast as she could using the wall as support. I looked down at the dead man. He was getting on my nerves lately and to be honest I was probably going to kill him soon anyway. I mean he was an asshole and I knew there had to be a dark secret that he kept. I caught him in the middle of that secret. He was a rapist.

I picked up his body in the rug I conveniently stabbed him on and threw it over my shoulder. I carried the man down stairs throwing his body in my car trunk. Locking the car I went back upstairs and deleted all of the surveillance videos from the entire week and messing with some of the wires to the camera. I closed the door to the office going down to my car. I always carried around a concrete block and rope in my car. I drove to the edge of the Hudson tying his leg to the rope and the rope to the concrete block. Dragging him out of my trunk I put the brick on his chest and threw him in the river. With that he went down and I got into my car driving to my home where I cleaned my suit on any blood and went to bed.

The next day I woke up and went to work as I normally did. I worked at a big firm on Wall Street called Akasuki as their Chief Trader. I usually did my work and went home, but unfortunately I received a knock on my door at almost five. I told them to come in and there stood the Head of Human Resources with a stern look on her face.

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