1.Meeting The Enemy

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It's been a week that I've moved. Minnesota was a boring place. Well, it depends on where you live. I live in Champlin. I guess it's just your usual neighborhood. Anyways, I'm starting school tomorrow. I think it's called 'Gate High School' or something. Our house is a color of faded blue with white borders and a long driveway. There is a park nearby and there are not very much children. Our house has 5 rooms and 4 bathrooms. There is a porch in the back. The land is about .70 acre. It's pretty big, I guess. We're not even done un-packing. Maybe at the end of this month we will but if I make new friends and they wanna help... you know....

*  *  *  *  *

This morning at 7, I awoke and got dressed up for school. To be honest, I'm a bit excited. I mean it might take time to make friends but I'm really good at that. I got dressed in a long sleeved, knitted shirt with mint stripes with white, brown combat boots with black patterned leggings and a pair of light and ripped skinny jeans. As for my make-up, it was a shade of light brown to show a crease on my eyelids.

As I arrived to the school it looked normal; like any other. The brown bricks were a shade of tan that made it look a bit of a newer model. On the grass were your regular groups: The jocks, fakes/plastics, smart ones, Asians, normal and mysterious people.

"I'm new here and I need my schedule." I asked the receptionist.

"Name?" She says, but doesn't look up at me.

"Chrene Remidy." I simply reply.

She mutters something under her breath then hands me a paper with my schedule on it.

"Can I have someone give me a short tour of the school before it starts?" I asked, politely.

Before she can respond there is laughter coming from behind me.

"Mr.Festch!" She yells and footsteps came closer to behind me.

"Take Miss.Remidy for a tour of the school." He obediently answered her and agreed. By the voice, I can tell he's kind of cute but when I turn around, it is no other than Ivan.

Ivan freakin' Festch.

"Festch." I grit my teeth, saying his name.

+ + + + +

Wattpad or my PC deleted half the story so therefore I had to rewrite the part and that's why this chapter was shorter and I might've no included some details and parts.


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