Chapter 5!

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~Next morning, Ashly's P.O.V~

I woke up and rolled out of bed I had a hair appointment in 10 minutes with TT. I searched the room and could not find my outfit that Bonnie was supposed to lay out, so I texted her.


"It's hanging on the back of the closet door, I'm so sorry for the inconvenience Ms. Jackson. It won't happen again." Bonnie texted back. I was in a rush to get dressed. I jogged over to my closet and typed my password in so that I could retrieve my clothes for today. I dressed quickly heading down stairs to the salon.

"Good morning Ms. Jackson!" TT said as he pulled the curling iron out of its case. He taped it with his finger to make sure it was hot enough to curl my thick blonde hair.

"Good morning TT, I'm sorry I was almost late, my alarm wasn't loud enough this morning." I explained.

"No worries M.s Jackson." TT said as he wrapped a strand of my hair around the heated metal.


"Wow TT it looks great! Thank you." I said as I looked in the mirror.

"Well thank you Ms. Jackson! You know how it is I try my best to make you look your absolute best!" TT said.

"I know and you haven't failed me yet!" I said grabbing my purse.

"Awe, Ms. Jackson." TT said blushing.

"Well I hate to leave but I have to go!" I said kissing TT's cheek.

"Have a good day Ms. Jackson!" TT said.

"Always!" I said walking to go to my make-up appointment.

"Hey Lou! Sorry I'm late!" I said sitting down in my chair.

"Ah it's no problem!" Lou said immediately getting on her job. She added a bit of foundation, then concealer, she added eyeliner and mascara, and then she applied my lip liner and lipstick. I looked amazing as always!

"Oh! Lou, I look amazing as always! I might try to slip you a raise!" I said winking at her.

"Oh thank you Ashly, but that won't be necessary!" Lou said turning down my offer.

"Are you sure? It honestly won't be a problem!" I said furrowing my eyebrows.

"I'm sure! My paycheck is already a decent amount to ask for more would be absolutely absurd!" Lou said shaking her head.

"Oh please you do such a good job every day!" I said

"No Ms. Jackson I refuse." Lou said.

"Please call me Ashly and okay if you say so!" I said leaving the room.

"Okay Ashly." Lou said.

I soon headed upstairs to get my bags and my keys to leave for school. I bumped into my dad

"Hey baby girl! How are you today?" He asked

"I'm good! How are you?" I asked.

"I'm good just very busy!" He said placing his hand on my shoulder.

"Yeah, so how is work?" I asked hoping this conversation would bring us closer. We never get a chance to talk and he never has time to hug me or anything. The only thing he ever has time for is writing checks and working all the time.

"I would love to stay and chat honey, but I have to go Ashly. Have a good day! Oh and work is good, thank you for asking." He said heading down the stairs to the main entrance.

"Of course you do" I mumbled under my breath. I started up the stairs again and my phone buzzed in my pocket. I took it out and seen Michael's face. It was a picture of him and me. I yelled at him because he licked my cheek when he was supposed to hold a kiss on my cheek pose. I got really mad after the picture. I answered my phone.

"Hey Mikey!" I said through the phone.

"Hey Ashly where are you?" He asked.

"I'm running a bit late, and I'll be even later because I have to stop and get gas." I said rolling my eyes at how obvious the answer to his question was.

"Well I can come and get you if you want I have time." He said.

"Yes please! Um do you want to hang out tonight?" I asked him.

"Um we have that party tonight at my house." He said.

"Oh crap I forgot. I still have to go dress shopping and shoe shopping and set up a hair and makeup appointment. Uggh today is such a bad day." I said complaining.

"It'll get better I promise!" Michael reassured.

"It better! If not I'll scream." I said.

"Okay I'll be there in about 10 minutes." Michael said.

"Okay bye!" I said hanging up the phone grabbing my bag and keys. I headed down stairs to the main entrance of the house. I got to the bottom of the stair and ran into Emma.

"Hey watch where you're going." I said.

"What are you worried I might knock your hair out of place?" Emma asked pouting.

"Just stay out of my way Emma." I said not wanting to get into another fight with her and Alex.

"What cat got your tongue?" Emma asked batting her eyelashes.

"No, Emma I said to stay out of my way." I said stepping to the other side of the stairs. But of course she stepped with me.

"Where are you going Ashly?" Emma asked.

"Get out of my way!" I said pushing her away running the rest of the way down the stairs to get in the car. I got out side and closed the door behind me. I peeked through the glass to see if Emma was coming or if she went upstairs. I didn't see her, but I did see Alexis. She was wearing a cute red tank top with a leather jacket and her black ripped skinny jeans. She honestly made me want to puke all the time. Emma and Alexis were always pretty and they did their hair and make up their selves. They picked out their own outfits. I rolled my eyes at how much I despised them, but of course they would never know that I thought they were pretty and that I liked their clothes.

"Hey Ashly!" Michael said smiling.

"Hey" I said getting in the car, I wasn't happy or smiling like he was I was having like the worst day of my life.

"Hey I said it'll get better, Ashly please smile." Michael said smiling at me. I looked at him and smiled just so he would leave me alone.

"Thank you! Don't you feel so much better?" He asked.

"Oh yeah I feel great!" I said rolling my eyes at him.

"Wow Ashly. Just wow." Michael said.

"Just take me to school, please" I said pointing to the road.

"Fine!" He said driving off.

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