Chapter 1: How It All Started (Michael Bennett)

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I slowly took in the last drag of my cigarette and ran my hands across the sandpaper I call my face. As I exhaled with a slight cough I threw the butt into the sand all around me, and began walking through this barren wasteland that I once called my home. My name is Michael Bennett and I’m the last hope, the chosen one, the second coming however you prefer to say it. I’ve heard them all.

This shithole, Earth was once a beautiful place full of litter… smog… and hate. And that was the place I knew and loved, but now it’s just nothing, nothing but ruins, sand and the occasional hell spawn. But I’ll tell you more about my good friends in a bit. It was the year 2012 and everyone started losing their mind because of this prophecy by some ancient Indian tribe. I didn’t give a dam about some stupid prophecy, well that is until I ended up in the middle of it. But let me go back to earlier in the day and explain just what the hell happened to me.

It was a relatively normal day in Jersey I woke up a bit hung-over like usual and walked to the bathroom to wash my face. It was about two-thirty in the afternoon; time to start my day. I looked at my face it skinny probably from the lack of food I eat. I find I’m not so hungry these days. My craving for food is usually swayed by beer and cigarettes. I looked into the mirror at this beast with a chilling hollow gaze and slightly sunken eyes. I rubbed the reddish five o’clock shadow that never seems leaves me no matter what time of the day it is. I threw on my good pair of torn up jeans, a black V-neck shirt, and I was all set to run my daily errands; a pack of smokes, a case of beer the usual stuff. Oh and milk and eggs. i walked  over to my window to check the weather. As I glanced out I saw darkness staring back at me occasionally blinking with the flash of lightning. I sighed threw on my leather jacket and started walking down the 3 flights of stairs out of my apartment. The stairs cracked and screamed under every single step. I walked past my neighbors giving them the friendly 'hello nod'. Than I sprinted out the door as I saw Mrs. Osborne, no way I had the rent for this month. I got to the garage and jumped on my bike ready to speed away. I slid the keys into the ignition and the sound of thunder echoed through the garage and shook the earth beneath my feet. I let out a little smirk and a chuckled as I reved the engine a few for times just for fun. I got ready to pay a little visit to my buddy Mike. I drove under the glow of street lights until I saw a sign in the distance “Mikes Quick-Stop”. I had to pick up my medicine. I walked in as the bell rang and Mike looked over at me. It takes a lot to get him away from that dreadful soap opera he always has on the fuzzy TV behind the counter all day.

“Ah Michael my friend what will it be for you today.” He exclaimed to me through his thick Indian accent as I walked into the store.

“Just the usual Mike, a pack of reds.” The lights flickered in the convenience store. “Better make it two packs Mike” I said half joking.

“Okay buddy here you go.” He said as he placed the packs of cigarettes on the counter.

“Oh shit almost forgot hold on Mike I gotta get some other stuff.” I said annoyed as I almost forgot the rest of my extensive shopping list. I walked away from the counter and slid my squeaking feet down the aisles to pick up the most important thing on my list, the beer. I reached in grabbed a nice big 30 pack and headed back to the counter. Set my beer down and went to get my eggs and milk. Mike was watching his stupid soap again I couldn’t understand a single word the fat bitchy lady was yelling at the man as they stood in their picturesque bohemian living room. I brought up the milk and eggs to mike and he started ringing me up.

“Milk and eggs?” Mike looked at me sheepishly. “Big date tonight?” he asked joking.

“Nah just Wednesday, I think I’ll eat today.” I replied to him. He laughed at me.

“You are a funny man Michael, I like that about you” he snickered as the boom of thunder crashed over the gibberish playing on the old TV behind him. “Have you heard about the end of the world stuff they are saying on the news?” Mike asked me.

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