Don't Do This, That and Etc.

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Chapter Twenty One


Everyone woke up really late the day after Jay's birthday. I don't know why Preston slept late, but for me, it was probably because me and Jay were up way past two in the morning "decorating" Preston's car. The picture we got was priceless. You could see all the egg yokes and shells as well as the mound of glitter we threw on there.

It was so much fun. Being out there with Jay. I didn't feel any pain and I loved just being around him. He was perfect.

Me and Jay were sitting in the kitchen eating cereal when we heard someone scream like they were being murdered. Preston found his truck.

Not even a second later, he burst through the door, nearly knocking it off its hinges. He looked to kill and was headed directly at Jay. Jay, being the stupid, joking, coward he was, grabbed my shoulders and put me in between him and Preston.

"Come on, Pres. Calm down. You wouldn't hurt a lady," Jay said in between fits of laughter. I started laughing too. All of this was hilarious. I'm just glad nothing happened to me. This was between the boys and I got away with both pranks.

"Oh, I don't know. I think she had something to do with this. You both are going to get it. Bad."

He took a step toward us and grabbed the bottles of mustard and ketchup off the table. He popped open the tops and aimed them at us. He wouldn't. He knew how much I hated both of those and I would be absolutely disgusted to be covered in them. I shifted to the right so Jay was standing next to me. He didn't let go of my shoulders though. He was just as scared as we both flinched as Preston took a sudden step towards us. It was like a showdown scene in a movie.

All of the sudden, I was thrown over someone's shoulders and was bouncing up and down as we ran out of the kitchen. Jay had one hand on my thighs as we ran towards the barn. I was surprised that it didn't really hurt. I looked up and could see Preston leaving the house. His car still looked hilarious.

"Hurry! He's coming!"

We got into the barn and Jay set me down. I helped him close the two, large wooden doors and throw the latch that locked them. At least we were safe.

We caught our breaths and listened to Preston screaming outside. Jay suggested I go check on my horse while we were waiting because we could go riding later. The vet finally gave us clearance saying she could be ridden again. I hadn't gotten clearance yet, but I would be okay. Jay waked in front of me over to her stall and turned around to face me with his phone in his hand.

I reached the stall and nearly threw up.

My horse was pink. Pink. PINK. The color I hated the most. Someone dyed my horse pink. It matched the cast that I had just gotten off my arm. I almost threw up in disgust when I saw it. But this. This was taking it to a whole new level.

"You!" I screamed as I ran over and tried hitting his chest. I was getting no where and I'm sure he hurt more from laughing so hard.

"Why? Why would do this to me?!" I screamed. I have hated pink ever since I was about ten. I was never a girly girl, more of a tomboy, and I have always hated that color.

"That will teach you to mess with me!" How dare he. Once again, his ability to annoy me overshadowed whatever feelings I had for him.

"But I helped you get back at Preston."

"Yeah, well, I did this before. And you thought you were getting out easy." He said while still recovering from his laughing fit.

"I hate you so much. And I swear to god if you say this is permanent, I will kick you so hard, you won't be able to have kids." Ha! Take that.

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