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"Happy birthday Lillian!" My father, Wade, and I said as she walked into the kitchen holding her belly and she smiled brightly, looking so happy. She giggled as her cheeks got read.

"Aw guys," she said seeing how we all made her a full out breakfast, which included her favorites breakfast foods. "This is so sweet, and smells absolutely amazing," she said cheerfully as Wade clung to her side.

We all sat down and ate breakfast together, which was filled with a bundle of laughter. It was a great start to the day, which I hope she enjoys. She turned 38. My dad is 42 though, which is only four years older.

"So you kids go get ready," dad said as Wade asked why and I looked at him curious.

"Why daddy, where are we going?" Wade asked shoving his last two bites into his mouth.

"We're going to the aquarium," he smiled as both Wade and I had the same reaction making my father and Lilian laugh at our reactions before Wade ran upstairs to get dressed. As I got up to walk up to my bedroom, Lilian stopped me smiling.

"Hey, you wanna invite your nice little friend, Ashton?" She asked and I glanced at my dad to make sure it'd be okay.
"Are you sure that'd be alright? It's your birthday-"

"Yes of course, hurry and get dress so you can go down and get him," she smiled before I gave her a hug and hurried upstairs.

I liked aquariums, but I felt bad for the animals. They should be set free. But the aquarium in our town is really serious about the animals and make sure they're all healthy and happy.

I searched for an outfit, deciding on light washed blue denim skinny jeans that were loose on me and I rolled the right bottom ends up twice before adding a black cropping long sleeve shirt. The left my curls to fall down on their own. The. I slipped on my shoes before brushing my teeth the jogging to Ashton's house.

Knocking twice, his grandma answered and smiled brightly and also gave me a hug, which was really sweet. "Ashton is up in bed. I think might still be sleeping."

"Oh. Do you mind if I check?" I asked and she shook her head letting me in his house and I went up to his bedroom, giving a small knock before walking in, to see him sound asleep.

I smiled seeing how cute of a sleeper he actually was. I went over giving his a small shake. "Ashton Kutcher, wake up," I sung softly as he mumbled, as he patted my leg and left his hand to sit in my lap. I chuckled at him and shook him again.
"Ashton, wake up you're spending the day with me," I said as he shifted around and opened his eyes.

He smiled at me as his cheeks grew red, "Cleo? What are you doing here?" He questioned with a raspy voice.

"Get up. We're going to an aquarium today," I smiled as he sat up happy.

"I've never been before."

My eyes widen, "What?" I gasped as his cheeks turned a shade of pink and he shrugged as he got up and began searching for some clothes to put on as I sat on his bed.

"Is your family going?" He asked as he began getting dressed and I nodded.
"They're okay with me going? Is luke going?"

"Yes they love you. They're the one who said I should ask you. And no. We haven't talked," I told him and he gave a small smile then frowned.

"Why haven't you talked? Not even at school?" He asked and I shook my head.

"Nope. It's been two weeks. Ever since we went on break two weeks ago he hasn't even tried. We got into another fight I guess."

He shook his head, "Mind me asking?"

"It was over his girlfriend again. He always goes to Australia every thanksgiving break. Or spring break. This year they went on thanksgiving break, which I go with them every time. Even on spring break. But he didn't bother telling me he uninvited me and invited his girlfriend instead," I shrugged as Ashton frowned and shook his head.

"What kind of best friend just does that? That's so messed up," he said and I nodded my head.

"Right?" I said and sighed shrugging, "it's whatever. Anyways, you all ready?" I asked and he nodded as he put on his glasses.

We headed back to my house and we all got in the car and was on our way to the aquarium. After arriving we went through the entire thing, multiple floors. Like twelve. There was so many areas and animals. They even had Dolphins, and Ashton and Wade and I decided to watch the dolphin show while dad and Lilian decided to go on search for the shark tanks. Lilian loved sharks.

"Sissy! Can we go pet the Dolphins?" Wade asked as everyone was exiting the arena since the show was over.

"No they don't allow us to," I told him as he frowned.

"Well it never hurt to ask?" Ashton said smiling innocently as Wade clapped his hands together and I chuckled and nodded.

"Alright, fine. We can go ask. But don't get upset when they say no," I told both Wade and Ashton as he smiled at me and we walked over to the girl by the tank.

"Hi," Ashton said, "Do you think there's any way we could possibly pet one of the dolphins?" He asked kindly as the girl looked like she was debating it.

"We're not allowed to let anyone touch them," she said apologetically, "But," she started flaming around, "Since everyone is out on break right now, I could let you guys sneak and do it?" She offered and we all smiled as she led us over to the top of the tank.

As we waited we saw one of the dolphins swim up and pop it's head out of the water, making a noise, having all of us laugh. Wade reached down, petting the top of her head, before feeding her a fish. Then both Ashton and I was petting her, and she seemed to like the attention.

Lilian and dad walked in, smiling at all of us before walking over to us. "Aw she lets you pet her?" Lilian asked as the worker nodded, encouraging her to pet Daisy, the dolphin.

Lilian excitedly leaned down to her. The dolphin splashed all of us with a little bit of water, playfully and then she started laughing. Not actually laughing but the best a dolphin could. She knew what he had done and thought it was funny. We all did.

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