Chapter 4

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Ivypool takes in a breath of fresh air as she pads out of the warriors den. It's a bright and early morning, and the crisp morning air feels wonderful blowing through her fur.

Shaking out her fur, she makes her way over to the dirt place to make dirt, before she walks over to the fresh kill pile, that was beginning to look rather low on prey. She'll have to take Snowpaw out hunting sometime today after training.

Taking a mouse from the pile, she makes her way over to Briarlight, as she lay outside the medicine den, chewing on a vole.

"Morning, Ivypool." Briarlight purrs, as she looks up from her vole to see the silver and white tabby making her way over to her.

Ivypool nods, sitting down next to the crippled brown she-cat. It's very unfortunate what happened to Briarlight when she was only just an apprentice. She had gone after the blind elder Longtail, as he ran into the elders den after a mouse when the wind and rain was so bad that it caused a tree to be ripped out of the ground from it's roots, and come crashing down into the ThunderClan camp.

The tree had crushed the elders den, killing Longtail, and breaking Briarlight's spine, rendering her back legs paralyzed. But from her spirit and never giving up no matter how many times she felt like doing so, she had received her warrior name. Briarlight.

"How you feeling?" Ivypool asks, watching Briarlight carefully.

Briarlight grunts slightly. "Don't you worry about me, Ivypool." She says. "Everyone doesn't have to keep asking if I'm okay, and how I'm feeling just because I can't walk."

Ivypool sighs, feeling sorry for the she-cat. The whole Clan was still kinda on edge around Briarlight and always wanted to make sure that she's okay, even though it's been moons now since her accident, seasons in fact.

"That won't stop the whole Clan from worrying about you." Ivypool points out. "We all care about and love you, Briarlight." She says. "That's why we worry about you more than we would one of the warriors."

Briarlight sighs, grumbling something under her breath that Ivypool can't quite catch, and goes back to chewing on her vole.

Looking over at the warriors den as Blossomfall makes her way out of the den, Ivypool feels something like a tightening at her heart as she watches Blossomfall make her way to the dirt place. She barely understands why she almost always feels this way when she's either around, or sees Blossomfall, and she's not sure if she's even brave enough to do anything about it, or o figure out why.

"Someone's got a crush on someone." Briarlight comments, noticing Ivypool's sudden change, as she stares ahead of her over towards the dirt place, where Blossomfall just walked off to.

Strange. Briarlight looks back to Ivypool who was still staring off towards where Blossomfall left. Ivypool looks like she's in love with some cat, but none of the Clan's tom cats around here right now that have gone off towards the dirt place. Blossomfall is the only one that's gone off towards the dirt place.

Thoughtful, Briarlight goes back to chewing on her vole. A new thought resting in her mind, as she watches Ivypool's body language as Blossomfall walks over to the fresh kill pile. There is definitely something going on with Ivypool that involves Blossomfall in some way.

But what exactly, she has no idea, and not even Ivypool has that much of an idea.

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