Chapter 32

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"You ready?" Blossomfall asks, getting Ivypool's attention.

"Huh?" Ivypool asks, looking over at the tortoiseshell and white she-cat, before shaking her head. "Oh, yeah. I guess so."

The both of them had thought it all over the last night, and they've come to a decision on what they're going to do. It wasn't a very easy decision for them to make, but in the end they know it to be the right choice in the end. All they've got to do, is break the news to the barn cats and Snowbush.

"I'm going to miss them, but I know it's the right decision to make." Ivypool says, as they make their way over towards Muffy and Sooty,

Blossomfall nods in agreement. "It's the right thing to do."

They may feel as though it's the right thing to do, but that won't stop them from missing the cats that they'll be leaving behind. They're sure these cats will understand though, and they can always come and visit them whenever they're able to.

"Muffy, Sooty." Blossomfall starts as soon as they've reached the two toms. "We've come to a decision."

The two toms stop what they're doing and sit up, both of them interested in hearing what the two she-cats have to say. They both have a strong feeling that they know what Ivypool and Blossomfall's decision is, and whatever they've decided, they're happy for them and they understand.

"Alright then." Muffy says. "Would you like Snowbush here to hear your decision too?"

Both Ivypool and Blossomfall look over towards where Snowbush is currently playing with the younger cats, keeping them entertained while the older cats are either out hunting, gone for a walk, or just resting somewhere quiet in the barn. He seems a little busy right now, and they can wait a bit before they tell him.

"He seems a little preoccupied right now." Ivypool says. "We'll tell him as soon as we've told you both."

"Alright." Muffy nods. "Well, let's hear it. What have you decided? Though I must admit that we can already guess what you've decided." He already has a very good feeling that he knows exactly what the decision is that they've made, and he understands completely.

"Well, we've decided that we're going to return to ThunderClan." Blossomfall says. "We feel as though it's the right thing to do."

It truly wasn't a very easy decision for them to make, especially considering how close they've grown to the barn cats, but they feel as though returning home to ThunderClan is the right thing to do. Though they've got no idea what the reaction from the Clan will be, if they aren't already aware that Snowbush has gone off to get them back. No matter what the Clan's reaction is though, they're almost certain that it'll be much better than the reaction from the other three Clans, that they know for certain.

Both Muffy and Sooty nod in understanding. They knew that Ivypool and Blossomfall would have came to that decision, and they understand. They also had a feeling that the two she-cats wouldn't stay here permanently and would eventually return to their Clan, they just weren't sure when it would happen.

"We understand." Muffy says. "ThunderClan is your home, and you need to be where you truly belong."

Sooty nods in agreement. "Yes, what Muffy said." He says. "You'll always be welcome back here whenever you please. Our barn is always open to you both whenever you need."

Ivypool and Blossomfall nod in thanks. They knew that they'd understand, and they definitely will be coming back here to visit whenever they're able to. They're not so sure how often they'll be able to do so, but they're most certainly going to try. It may be difficult to find time to come visit these cats, and the fact that they're not exactly all that close to ThunderClan territory doesn't help either.

"Thank you, Muffy, Sooty." Blossomfall says. "And we will definitely be taking you both up on that. Even if it's not very often we come visit, as we'd be quite busy in our Clan, and your barn isn't exactly very close to ThunderClan territory."

Muffy nods. "We understand." He says. "We wouldn't expect you to come visit very often anyway because of your Clan, who might I add, need you both more than we do."

As much as they know that Muffy is right, it doesn't make it any easier for Ivypool and Blossomfall to leave them and return to ThunderClan like they're planning on doing. They've grown close to these barn cats, and they will very much miss them. They're almost like a second family to them, and if they never do manage to come visit them, they'll for sure never forget them and how much they've helped them.

But now it is time for them to return to their true home in ThunderClan. Their family and friends who they've not seen in moons. They're not sure how much will have changed since they've been home, but they know for certain that nothing will ever be the same again.

"Go inform Snowbush that you're returning to ThunderClan with him." Muffy says. "We're sure he's been waiting to hear what you've decided on doing."

Ivypool and Blossomfall nod, looking over towards where the white tom is still currently playing with the younger cats, though as soon as he notices that Ivypool and Blossomfall are watching him, he turns his attention towards them, which as a result causes the younger cats to pounce on him.

Making their way over to him, they watch as the younger cats tackle him to the ground as they play fight with him. They sure are glad that Snowbush seems to like the younger cats here, and that the younger cats also like Snowbush, and they're sure that the older cats appreciate the fact that Snowbush has been keeping them occupied so they can have time to themselves.

"Pepper, Cinders, Poppy." Blossomfall starts, as she and Ivypool sit down near where they've got Snowbush pinned to the ground. "We need to talk with Snowbush."

Cinders is the first one to look up at the two she-cats. "What about?" The black tom asks, jumping off of Snowbush, Pepper and Poppy following suit.

"Just Clan stuff." Ivypool says. "When we're done talking you can go back to playing with him, we promise."

The three younger cats nod, before they're scampering away from them where they've found a ball of hay to chase around the barn.

"What is it?" Snowbush asks, getting u and shaking the hay off his pelt. "Have you made a decision yet?"

Blossomfall and Ivypool look between one another. They both know that what they've chosen will make Snowbush very happy, and they're positive that once they return to ThunderClan that their family will be extremely happy to see them again.

"Yes." Blossomfall nods. "We've made our decision."

Snowbush sits down in front of them, eagerly awaiting to hear the news. He's hoping that they've chosen to return to ThunderClan, but if they've decided that they're going to say here, then he understands. He'll be disappointed, but ultimately he'll understand.

"We've decided that we're returning to ThunderClan." Ivypool says. "We're going home."

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