Chapter Twenty-Six

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"You never find yourself

Until you face the truth."

-Pearl Bailey



            I hesitated just inside the door of the Gryffindor common room. I stood in the shadows—nobody inside knew I had come in yet. I heard several voices I recognized. I peeked my head forward and glanced inside.

            All the chairs and couches had been circled around the golden glowing fireplace—the only source of light in the plush red room. Harry and Ron sat in chairs facing each other, with a little table in between. They hunched over a game of wizard's chess. On the couch, closest to Harry, Ginny slept, her head pillowed on her arm, a blanket draped over her. Next to her, I caught sight of Tonks' shock of lately-purplish hair—she sat sideways on the couch, leaning back on the armrest. She held her sleeping baby in her arms, and she stared off, her expression listless. I was absently glad that the castle's laxened magic had let her in, even though she was a Hufflepuff.

            On the other side of Ron, Fred and George Weasley poured over a list of new ideas for their shop, while Percy frowned at them and told them that they would bring the future generations of Hogwarts to ruin.

            But then Fred caught sight of me. He smiled.

            "Why, hello Hermione."

            Everybody glanced my direction.

            "The folks went down to get some food," George said.

            "Told us you might go along with them if you wanted," Fred added.

            "But only if you bring us back some butterbeer," George lifted a finger.

            "Don't boss her around," Tonks said, still staring out in front of her. Then, she glanced at me, and gave me a small smile. "How are you feeling, dear?"

            "Better, thanks," I answered honestly—for though she didn't know the reason for my melancholy of late, she had noticed it, and realized that we were feeling the same. She didn't bother me with questions, and often came to my rescue when I was pressed too hard by others who didn't understand.

            "Where did you go?" Ron asked, sitting up from the game. Harry twisted in his chair to look at me.

            "We were sure Peeves had eaten you," Harry said.

            "Can I..." I started, my heart suddenly hammering. "Can I talk to you two? Alone?"

            Fred and George smirked at each other, Tonks gave them a glare, but Ron and Harry's faces changed. They both nodded.

            "Sure," Harry said, getting up. "Come up to the room."

            I gulped hard, my legs going weak, but I stepped all the way in, then followed Ron and Harry up the steps into the boys' bedroom. When the door was shut behind us, they turned to face me. Ron sat down on the end of his bed, and Harry stuck his hands in his pockets.

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