The Transformation

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After I revealed my hairy secret Foxy wanted to become a werewolf which puzzled me." Foxy are you sure you want to do this?" " Yes lass Aye'm sure." So I put my claws onto Foxy's arm and scratched it hard Foxy began to yelp. " Ow me arm!"After I scratched his arm he began to feel strange I got worried " Foxy are you alright?" " Yes Savannah Aye am fine just dizzy." "Ok Foxy just lay down and relax you will be fine." I comfort him anyway I could Foxy had aches and pains.
He didn't like the transformation very much he kept on howling all night. " Foxy It's ok It's normal. Then his teeth became even sharper it was very painful. " Ow me teeth what be going on with me teeth!" I petted him more to relax him he really enjoys me petting him. " Thanks lass fer taken care of this Ol seadog." I was happy so I gave him a hug. " Your welcome Captain Foxy." Suddenly Foxy blacked out I was scared I tried to wake him up. " Foxy wakeup please!" But Foxy just laied there lifeless until afew hours later Foxy opened his eyes. " Oh what happened ow me head!?" Foxy asked me rubbing his head with his hand then he looked at his body he wasn't a fox animatronic any more he was a handsome wolf with the same colored fur as me which is black, but he had Scarlet red eyes with a gold jem collar and my eyes are blood red with a blue jem collar. Foxy really liked his wolf self when he looked into the mirror he says." Yarr I be good lookin rarrr! he growled. "Foxy you really like you're new self do you!?" Foxy didn't listen he was to busy looking at the mirror smirking. " Well I guess it's a yes then." Foxy liked his new body but he wants to go back to his old body. " Savannah how do ye change back?" he asked me. "Well that's easy close your eyes and think of your old self." He did what he was told. " Ok lass me eyes Arrr shut." Then he started to change back into his animatronic fox form. After he changed back to normal in his fox form his fur was even more furyer than normal and his teeth are even sharper than usual but he was still very handsome. " Foxy do you want to go see James Bond A View To A Kill?" Foxy smiled " Yes Aye would love to." ( To Be continued )

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