Chapter 1

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I came with little or nothing to this world, this cruel and evil world, but at the same time, this cruel beautiful world. We merely keep on asking why we are alive and living...

With this strength and this weakness, if we no longer possess any rationality, just what are we protecting?

"Lisa! Lisa!" – shouted as he ran, the boy with light brown eyes

"What do you want, Sean?" – I asked at the time I root up a flower from the garden

"You don't have to feel bad..." – he said as he seated next to me and watched how my face was hidden in my legs

"Lisa, please look at me."

"I don't want to." – I answered gingerly

"You act as if you didn't knew me, common..."

I showed him my little girl face, a girl that could have stayed been a little girl, if it wasn't for....

"Despite you're intelligent, you're also very pretty. You look like an angel."

I let out an expression of disgust and told him:

"Stop! You are so curtsy! We are only 8 years old."

"Okay, okay. Know another song? Besides the ones that they taught us here?"

"Just one."

"Sing it, if you can."

"Is that a challenge?" – I asked with a mischievous look in my eyes

"Yep." – He answered returning the smile

"Well, I made it, so...don't laugh."

Oh, field flower that has bloomed,
Ah, somehow, please tell me:
Why is it that people hurt each other
And fight?

Oh, flower that blooms with the asphalt,
What can you see from there?
Why is it that people
Cannot forgive each other?

In the summer, the rain passed
And the blue reflected,
Small, it rippled
In front of me,
Without saying a thing.

What do you think
When your friends wilt?
With those leaves that do not carry words,
How do you convey your love?

The summer sun is clouded
And the wind fluttered.
I shall sing
The proof that life once existed
For those who do not have a name.

People entered and came out of that door, their whish was conceded, the happiness of having a family. But I was never the chosen one...nor him...maybe because the two of us were immersed in our own beautiful world and nobody interrupted it never.

We decided to behave in the worst way possible when they programmed us an interview with the "fake parents", but actually I wished it, I wished to have a family more than anything in the world. He also wished that in a certain way but the two of us were so engaged one with the other that decided to give up our wish, put it away, locked up in a little box hidden in our hearts and the lost.

One day the black suited mans entered, they were weird, looked enigmatic. They weren't a pair of parents wanting to adopt a child, they were another kind of people

"What do you thing they are doing around here? Hey! Lisa! Get your head up!"

"I don't know. Maybe there health inspectors or something like that."

That was the presumption an eight year old girl could do.

"Today, this respectful mans, will do to each one of you a little proof to measure your intellectual coefficient that means they will measure your intelligence."

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