Chapter 3

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It didn't belong to any terrorist abbreviation, any association or enterprise, not even the word's initial, it was a complete mystery what did the word meant. Von

"Aaaahh! How much time do we have to stay here searching for that damn abbreviation!?" – Conrad complained

"Until we find it out." – replied Hotch

Hours passed, then days, it was impossible, I was thinking that the best we could do was start to analyze the case before keep searching the meaning of the initial. The things got worst...

The summer hotness put me in a bad mood, it was horrible. I was trying to dress up formal but the weather attacked me so I couldn't, my leaves were always rolled up and I was in a bad mood while I was working. It was easy to get ready after all, take a shower and get dressed took me like 10 or 15 minutes. That day in particular, while I was walking in the streets I was wishing the world to disappear, that case was really bothering me. Von, von, von...what the hell means?

"Good morning."

"Good morning" – by the tone I could notice how tired they were. I got up of my seat and opened the window, the air was really heavy. I could feel the gently breeze, very difficult to feel in this season of the year, I looked down and thought...people looks like ants, passing quickly, where are they going?

"We need to get out! Now!" – Hotch interrupted my thoughts with his shouts –"An attack of the suspect it's happening now in the Tower of Finance. A kid was already found and there's a great possibility that the suspect is in the surroundings. He likes to watch."

We got hurried and got out the fastest we could, everyone had guns in their hands. I entered to the car in the co-pilot seat while Kingston drove and Conrad was already positioning itself in the back part.

" you guys think it's in the surroundings?"

"It's the most likely thing." – I answered –"Hotch is right, he likes to watch."

It was a perturbing scene, in spite fact that there were no injured, the panic was really obvious. Just imagine that type of fear, lose your life, lose someone who was near the explosion or had disappeared a moment of your side.

Ashes and dust all over the place, the contaminated atmosphere and smoke were impeding me to see and there was little fire in the lateral part of the building but we didn't stopped and got in.

At the moment of split up and search in building's shambles, Conrad refused to go and search by himself so Kingston went with him and that leaved me on my own. The gun was in my hands and my finger in the trigger, if I find the suspect...I wouldn't kill him otherwise I'd shout him to immobilize him and I was going to ask...why you did all of this? Why involve children in your psychopathic fantasy? If something is cruel, not the attacks but the people involved.

The windows were now just big frames and the broken glass all over the place covering the floor made me to be careful at walking. I went upstairs to find myself in a great hall and with a lot of smoke in my surroundings. In measure that I was trying to sought open myself up step, I realized that I couldn't see very clear and I was tripping out with everything around me, specifically with a desk, a bookshelf and a chair, the last one caused my fall with clatter and noise. I got up slowly and shacked the rubles off my clothes and decided to continue walking.

It wasn't what I was expecting to be honest it could appear a dog flying and I wouldn't be surprised.

The hall was long and it was destroyed, if someone got to the end will fall and there's where I saw her.

A young women, between 19 and 20 years old, long light brown hair and was wearing a red dress, very simple with two braces, fragile physical constitution it seemed to me that if you were going to hug her you'll have to be very careful otherwise she will be broken. Her look was lost but I could notice her light green eyes, they looked as crystal.

Oh, field flower that has bloomed,

Ah, somehow, please tell me:

Why is it that people hurt each other

And fight?

Oh, flower that blooms with the asphalt,

What can you see from there?

Why is it that people

Cannot forgive each other?

In the summer, the rain passed

And the blue reflected,

Small, it rippled

In front of me,

Without saying a thing.

What do you think

When your friends wilt?

With those leaves that do not carry words,

How do you convey your love?

The summer sun is clouded

And the wind fluttered.

I shall sing

The proof that life once existed

For those who do not have a name.

I got lost hearing to her melodic voice. Then I realized she was in danger...

"Hey! You need to get out of here! It's not safe!"

Finally she noticed my existence and turned to look

"Why?" – she asked with her melodical voice

"Don't you see? The building is blowing up in pieces!"

"I already know that."


"You look like someone...someone that I used to know."

"Huh?" – I asked confused

"But it's impossible."


"No!" – I shouted as I looked horrified how she was falling from the top of the building. Like a tree's leaf caused by the autumn's breeze. I wanted to get to the edge with the hope of saving her but I doubted it, at least see her body to assure that she really fell down.

Nothing...there was nothing, not even her body. I wanted to think that it was an illusion, a trick of my brain. But it wasn't.


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30, 2016 ⏰

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