Chapter 17

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"Calum" I nudged the sleeping boy, amongst  the rest of the sleeping bodies. "Cal" I shook his arm a little more
"What?" he answered me, not opening his eyes.
"They're all still here" I giggled, quietly
"Oh.." he opened his eyes and looked around "they are" he laughed, bumping Luke with his elbow as he sat up. "HEY IDIOTS! YOU WANT FOOD?" They all woke, surprisingly fast, hoping that there was food there already.
"Where's the food?" Michael, who was usually the one to sleep the longest, perked up, running a hand through his messy, damaged hair.
"You have to go get it" Calum laughed, earning disappointed groans from all of them "The girls ate all of the food in the house last night, we've got nothing" as he talked, they all started getting up and stretching, getting ready to leave. "Bye guys" we laughed together as all of them walked out of our house.
"THERE'S A GIG TONIGHT" I smiled, having this realization.
"Yeah. We have to be there early to go over the new song with them"
"Well, technically only you have to be there" I laughed, and he shot me a dirty look "But I want to be there" I said, smacking his shoulder a little to get him to lighten up.
"Good. Tonight should be good. We're supposed to have a good turn out"
"Good. That's good too. Mikey needs to have faith in this band. I think they could make it big"
"Me too. They're really good. They've got good vibes. "
"They do"
When it was about time to go, I had just finished my hair. The blonde locks fell around my shoulders nicely. I took Calum's grey "BONER" shirt, that he got at the All Time Low concert and tugged it over my head, trying it in a knot, just above my belly button, then slipped on a pair of light wash jeans, black combat boots, and then slipped a dark blue and olive green flannel on.
"Are you ready??" Calum asked, stopping in his tracks when he saw me, letting out a low whistle "You"
"Thank you" he had on the matching flannel to mine, black, ripped skinny jeans and his black Vans. "We're twinsies" I laughed, pulling the hem of his shirt to pull him close to me.
"You did not just say TWINSIES"
"I know. I did. Kill me please"
"Never would I do such a thing" he laughed, pressing a soft kiss on my nose. "We have to go now" he pulled me out of the house by my hand and drive us to the studio. They decided, having it there would make their performance better. They were used to the environment, the acoustics, and all of that shit. Also, all of their equipment was there, so there was less work to do. I walked in alone, Calum decided a cigarette before to calm his nerves a little.
I tried to find Mikey as I walked in, but he seemed a little preoccupied by Alex.
"What do you mean Trevor isn't coming?" He practically yelled at Alex, though that wasn't really his fault
"He texted me and told me he isn't coming"
"Why not?" He spat at the innocent boy
"He didn't give me a reason. I just know he's not coming"
"Fine. Okay okay. I'll figure this out" he nervously ran his hands through his hair, momentarily not caring that he messed it up.
Calum came in, smoothing his wind tousled hair.
"So I guess Trevor is a no show tonight" I explained what I had overheard.
"That's what Alex just told Mikey"
"Okay. Okay I'll be right back. I'm gonna go talk to him" he kissed me quick and went to the fuming boy. I decided apologizing to Alex for Mikey's actions was a good idea.
"Hey sorry about Michael yelling at you. He's just stressed. You feel?"
"Yeah I get it" he shrugged, looking up from the guitar that he was tuning "I'm pissed too"
"What do you guys think you'll do?"
"Honestly I don't know. Trevor and Danny are our rhythm section and we're missing Trevor.." He laughed "how is that going to go over?"
"I don't know. Hopefully there's a miracle"
Sam and Danny came in and I went out back with Sam, while the boys worked things out.
"How do you this will go over tonight?" She asked, sucking on a cigarette
"I hope it goes well. But right now I honestly don't know. They've worked so hard. It would be a shame to watch it fall through the cracks"
"Yeah it would. I know how much this means to them... also, I noticed that you and Calum are matching, and I have to say I hate you guys. But I like your shirt" she laughed, adding a light tone to our conversation.
"It actually wasn't on purpose. And thanks, it's Calum's"
"Of course it is" she laughed
Everyone started filing into the studio and we went back with the guys, who looked a little nervous.
"Come on Calum," I said tugging his arm a bit "I see the guys in the audience, let's go before it gets too crowded"
"Um. I actually can't"
"What? Why not?" I swirled around, feeling him resisting on my arm 
"I'm taking over for Trevor" he smirked
"You're doing what?" I said, half surprised, and half confused "You're playing the bass, in this band? When did you learn to do that?" 
"During all of the practices, Trevor taught me some chords and then I just picked up the songs. Plus, I know he harmonies, I should at least, I wrote them" he laughed 
"Oh" his laugh caught me off guard 

"Yeah. Record it, okay? I want to see how bad I fuck up" 
"You'll be fine. But I will record it" 
"Thanks baby" he kissed me lips and I walked away, confused, but excited
I walked to the guys in the audience, and they all smiled, they had gotten a spot near the stage and were all standing, talking over everyone else who had come. It was a better turn out than the last one, and my anxiety started going crazy. I was nervous for Calum. 
"Where's Cal?" Ashton leaned over and whispered in my ear 
"He's playing with the band. They're missing the bass player so he's filling in" I explained, trying to sound as confident as I could. 
"Oh.. alright" 
They started the concert and everyone got quiet, hoping to hear everything they could. Pretty much no one knew who they were, but local bands were all the rage, and hopefully they'd all be fans by the time they left. 
"I'm Mikey, and this is our band Friend of an Idiot. Don't judge the name, we're working on it.." he laughed "I play the guitar and I sing a little. Alex over here, he plays the guitar. Danny back there, he plays the drums. And..." he paused, casually glancing at Calum "I think he can explain who he is, because obviously, he's not Trevor" I could tell by the look on his face, that he wasn't expecting Mikey to do that. But his confusion quickly became confidence.
"Hi guys, I'm Calum. I play the bass in the band. Or at least I do for tonight. I also sing a little. Sorry I'm not Trevor" he laughed, earning chuckles from most of the people there "LET'S DO THIS!!!!"


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