Chapter 14

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Luke was sitting on the couch, drinking a beer, when he heard a loud crash and then a scream come from the kitchen. He frantically stood up and ran into the kitchen. Caroline was standing next to a smashed plate, her arm was bleeding severely. Luke sunk in some air, trying not to panic.

He rushed to her side, she was breathing heavily and Luke was afraid she'd pass out. "Deep breaths, baby. Deep breaths."

He pulled his t-shirt over his head and wrapped her arm in it. Luke silently prayed, hoping that she hadn't lost too much blood. He pulled out his phone and called 911. "911, What's your emergency?" the dispatcher asked.

"My girlfriend, she's lost a lot of blood and is in and out of consciousness. I don't know what happened. I just heard a plate smash and her screaming. Oh, God! Please, help me!"

"Sir, I'm gonna need you to calm down. Your girlfriend will be fine. Just put pressure on her cuts and wait for the paramedics, they've already been notified," the dispatcher stated calmly. Luke nodded as if she could see him.

He couldn't help but fear for Caroline's life. Was she really okay? On top of Luke's nightmares, he didn't need this. Was she okay? Or was Luke gonna lose the girl he had always loved?

Before he knew it, he was waiting at the hospital in the waiting room. It had been a few weeks and Caroline was in a coma. The doctors had done recent tests on her, checking her pulse and such. They also were planning on a blood transfusion, after she had lost so much.

A doctor came up to Luke with a smile. "Mr. Bryan? I've got some news for you. You're girlfriend, well, she's about three or four weeks pregnant."

Luke gave him a look. "But how?"

The doctor gave Luke a strange look. "Have you been sexually active recently?"

"Yes," Luke stated simply.

"Did y'all use protection?" the doctor questioned him.

"No," Luke said, but then a smile appeared on his face. "I'm gonna be a dad?"

The doctor frowned. "Not if she stays in a coma. We don't expect her to wake up anytime soon. She will lose the baby ifshe doesn't wake up. But, Luke, even if she does, the stress you two have been under will throw her into a miscarriage. I don't expect hat baby to make it full term. I'm sorry," he explained.

Luke shook his head. "That's fine. It's just facts. I'm hurt, but we only just started dating anyways. It's not time to start a family. I understand."

"I really am sorry, sir. I hate myself for telling you such awful news, but you needed to know," the doctor apoligized once more.

"There's really no need to apologize. Like I said, it's the truth. You can't change the future. It is what it is," Luke said, his voice cracking as he felt tears well up in his eyes.

Luke was now sitting in Caroline's room. It had been yet another week. He was more worried now than he ever was. He didn't understand how something as small as a cut on her arm could cause so much pain. She did lose a lot of blood, but it didn't make since to him.

On top of all this, Luke had fathered a baby that he will never get to meet. And that alone brought tears to his eyes. He was afraid to tell anyone about the baby. It hurt him enough to know himself, and he had to tell his pregnant girlfriend that she is having baby, but will have a miscarriage. Luke got up to get some air. He was walking out when he heard a small voice behind him.

"Luke, is that you?"

Luke spun around, tears welling up in his eyes. She was okay! "Baby, you're okay!"

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" Caroline asked him, confused.

"You were in a coma for almost a month," Luke explained. "They did some tests on you, when you lost so much blood from your gash. Caroline, you're pregnant."

"Are you serious? We just started dating!"

Luke sighed. He shook his head, not wanting to tell Caroline what he had found out, but he had to. "Don't get too attached to the baby, they're not gonna stick around."

Caroline gaped at him. How could he say such a thing. This was his child, how could he not want the child he had helped made, after saying that he wanted one for so long. "Luke, I thought you wanted to be a dad."

Luke immediately broke down. Tears streaming every where. He just lost it. Caroline had no clue. She would lose her baby. She'd go through the pain of a miscarriage, both physically and mentally. "Caroline, the doctor told me you're gonna have a miscarriage soon."

"Luke, don't say such things. Don't lie to me."

"I'm not lying, baby. I wish I was. I want this baby, you wouldn't believe how excited I was this baby, until... until I was told my baby was gonna die. I'm so sorry," Luke cried.

Caroline wanted to believe it wasn't true, but she knew Luke would never lie to her. She could barely believe she was pregnant in the first place.

She gently rubbed Luke's back, hoping to ease his pain. His heart had a whole in it. He was already excited for this baby and he had felt like his whole life had been ripped away from him. Caroline had to give Luke a brighter side to the situation at hand.

"At least you can focus on your music, honey. You can write a song from this and put all your feeling and passioninto singing the song each night. I love you, Luke, and I don't want you grieving over this. It'll get better, and I promise you, when I'm more relaxed and not stressed from this accident and Stephanie thing, we can try further into the future, after we're married of course, for that baby," she promised him.

Luke nodded, fully understanding where Caroline was coming from. He'd come out stronger and would take it as a sign from God that he wasn't ready for kids. "Okay, Caroline. I love you so much, you'll never know the extent of that love. Thank you for keeping me in tact. Oh, God, I love you so freakin' much."

Luke and Caroline both shared a passionate kiss and cuddled into each other for rest of the night. Hopefully, Caroline can go home tomorrow and the miscarriage won't arrive too soon or too late. Luke fell asleep as Caroline was wide awake, an odd, sharp pain stinging her abdomen. All of a sudden, Caroline screamed, clinching onto Luke for dear life, waking him up. It was happening, they needed a doctor and fast.


A/N: Why, quite an unexpected chapter. Were shocked about Caroline's pregnancy? What about her going into a coma? Did yoh feel for Luke after finding out about Caroline's possibility of a miscarriage? Will Caroline be okay during the miscarriage? Sorry for keaving y'all on a cliff hanger. Hahaha. How do you like it when we do it back, Alexis? Jk, don't kill me. ~Kelsea

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