Chapter 18

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There was a warm settled breeze as Luke made his way to his travel agent's office. He wanted to surprise Caroline with a beach wedding. The problem was, they wanted to get married December eighth. It would be cold, so he needed some place tropical.

"So, Luke, what brings you here?" Luke's travel agent asked as he walked into her office.

"I have some news, but you can't tell anyone. Okay?" Luke questioned her.

"My lips are sealed," his travel agent promised.

Luke took in a deep breath. "Mandy, you know how I told you I met this girl and I really like her? Well, we're engaged now, but we're getting married in December. She has always dreamed of a beach wedding, but I don't know where is warm enough."

Mandy looked on her computer. "Well, since the wedding is like four months away, I can't be sure if it's gonna be nice weather. But, however, satistics show that you'd most likely get nice weather. Also, if it rains on your wedding, it's good luck. So, you might be okay. What's the date?"

"December eighth, will that affect anything?" Luke asked curiously.

Mandy nodded her head. "Perhaps. So, I'm thinking Turks and Caicos is your best bet. What do you think?" Mandy asked Luke as she turned the screen to Luke, so he could see the islands.

"Oh, wow. That's perfect!" Luke exclaimed.

"You sure you want your big day to happen here?"

Luke nodded simultaneously. "For sure."

Mandy gave Luke a huge grin. "I'll handle everything, now just find a way to tell her your huge surprise."

"Thanks so much, Mandy. I'll find a way to repay you, I promise," Luke said as he left the building. The chilly breeze was back, if it was starting to get cold at the beginning of September, then Luke didn't snow in the winter, maybe earlier. Unless it got too cold. Snow only happens at a certain temperature.

Luke had to walk back to his truck, which was parked at the mall. He made Caroline go shopping so that he could talk to Mandy. He had simply just told her he was gonna go across the street to Cabela's. Luke was about to walk into Cabela's, when he saw a flash of blonde hair zoom by him.

He notice she was crying. He walked over to her, her back facing him. "Um, is everything okay?"

"Yeah, it's just, my fiance told me he was going to Cabe- Wait, you are my fiance!" the blonde, Caroline, exclaimed as she spun around. "Luke, you had me worried, where were you?"

"I had to make an emergency run to the studio. They messed up and I had to re-record a song," Luke lied.

Caroline didn't see through his lie, not this time. She just hugged him tightly, glad he was okay. "Don't ever do that again. Please call next time, okay?"

Luke slowly nodded. "I promise to call you, I always do. I just forgot this time, I'm sorry."

Caroline quickly kissed him, before pulling him along for a long walk around the block. She held his hand tightly, afraid to ever let go. Something about taking quiet walks with Luke spoke to her.

Luke stop abruptly. "Crap! Caroline, we have to turn into a store!"

Caroline gave Luke a look. "Stop stressing, Luke. What's wrong?"

Luke shakily pointed a finger at, who Caroline made out to be, Stephanie. Caroline and Luke tried to rush into a store, but Stephanie stopped them.

"Oh, isn't it the little slut who stole my man?" Stephanie smirked.

"What do you want, Stephanie?" Luke said as he rolled his eyes.

"I want my man back," Stephanie smiled.

Caroline pushed her way inbetween the two. "Excuse me, but we're happily engage, so if you don't mind."

Stephanie glanced down at Caroline's finger and saw the ring. "Cute ring. But I'll gladly marry him without one."

"I'm not going to let Luke buy my love, he didn't even need a ring to propose. Why don't you back off?" Caroline snarled.

Luke pulled Caroline away and just kept walking. "Babe, relax. She isn't going to hurt me or you, I promise."

Caroline just nodded and laid her head on Luke's shoulder. She couldn't wait to marry him. Sure, it was cliche, but she didn't care. Love was love to her. If it was there and if there were ups and downs. If fights happened, if kids made them get headaches, she wouldn't care. She wanted to do all those things with Luke.

She was scared at first, she had questions that may have frightened her. But now, now she had a man who meant everythig to her. A man who'd give her the world. A man who loved her for her. They started rough, the even fought more than they should have, but that's life. It happens to the best of us. Caroline knew, for sure this time, that she was ready to marry Luke. December eighth couldn't get here fast enough.

"Hey, honey, can I ask you something?" Luke suddenly spoke.

Caroline looked at him. "You can ask me anything."

"You know how you have always dreamed of getting married on a beach since you were little?" Luke questioned Caroline, reminding her of her childhood where she woukd play with dolls and pretend to be married.

"Of course, I do. Ever since I was five. I wanted to meet my prince charming and marry him. But I didn't want to be like any princess. None of them got married on a beach, except Ariel, but that was literally on the water, that's why I picked it," Caroline told him.

"Well, how would you feel if I told you we'd get married on one? Because we are going to," Luke told her.

Caroline had a shock expression on her face. "Luke, no it's too cold. I get that you want me to have he perfect wedding. But, sweetie, it'll already be perfect. It'll be perfect, because I'm marrying you. I love you. Besides, I can't stand in a dress, at a beach in the middle of December. I'd get sick and ruin our honeymoon."

Luke rolled his eyes. "Not here. Not in Tennessee, babe. I already talked to my travel agent, Mandy. We're gonna get married at Turks and Caicos. What do you say?"

Caroline's eyes grew in excitement. "What!? I love you so freakin' much!"

Caroline jumped into Luke's arms and kissed him passionately. "I'll take that as a yes?"

"Are you kidding? Turks and Caicos is the best place I could be to get married. This is all a dream! Thank you so much, Luke. I love you! You don't know how much this means to me, you really don't!" Caroline exclaimed with all her excitiment about to burst through her like a fireworks show.

"I'm glad you love my surprise," Luke grinned, proudly.

"Of course, Luke. I love the little things you do, even though his time it's kinda big," Caroline said with a giggle.

Luke placed Caroline down and stuck out his arm. "Care for a walk down main street?"

"You're a dork, but gladly," Caroline smiled as she took his arm.


A/N: Two more chapters! Gah! I love this chapter, to be honest. What do you think of Luke's surprise? Was Caroline overreacting when she thought Luke was missing or not? What about Stephanie's return? Will she somehow ruin their wedding or at least try to? Let me know what you think! ~Kelsea

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