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Percy Jackson was unbeatable in the ring and everyone who challenged him knew it. Of course these fights were unsanctioned and pretty much illegal, but he didn't care. The adrenaline from the fights were worth the time he could spend in prison. And the best part was that the money he could get from fights was well enough to help out his mom with the bills. She didn't know where the money came from, she was suspicious, especially when he came home with a busted lip or black eye. Percy told his mom he had a job at a local grocer and that he worked every night, the same shift, and the boss paid generously. His mom didn't believe him, but since she loves her son, she sat aside her worries and let Percy carve his own path. She wasn't going to baby him and if he happened to get in trouble Percy would have to reflect on it and figure out how to get himself out of it.

He was the one who had to learn to survive.

Eighth Grade Year

Percy had practiced mixed martial arts as an outlet when he was younger because he was always bouncing all over the place from ADHD. It was nice until the facility closed up. It wasn't like his mom could afford it anymore anyways. However, Percy was okay with it because he had found something else, something better. There was talk of an underground fight league and somehow it made way to ears of fourteen year old Percy Jackson. So, what did he do? He went to one of the fight nights and needless to say he was beyond amazed. And what was even better was that winning a fight won you five hundred dollars and even when you lost a fight you could scrounge up two hundred dollars. It sounded like a pretty good deal to him.

The atmosphere of the ring drove him mad. People gathered around a makeshift ring, yelling out to their favorite fighter, cheering them on, and placing bets. It was exciting and just being a part of the crowd pumped him with adrenaline. Percy wanted to do that, fight; win. He wanted to earn bruises that came with fighting, he wanted the injuries so he could prove that he was tough.

So within the next week Percy found a veteran fighter at a local gym. Before approaching the man, Percy watched him carefully. The man's punches were precise and connected with the punching bag in repetitive tones. His feet slid on the tile floor in a concise pattern, almost hypnotizing.

Step. Punch. Step. Punch. Step.

And as the man was going in for another punch, he stopped and turned to face Percy. Trying to avoid the awkwardness that would come with the next few minutes Percy looked down to the ground and ducked down to act like he was tying his shoe.

A few seconds passed until he heard the shuffling of feet. He watched the man's bare feet approach him, "Hey kid, is there something you wanted?" The man spoke clear and precise. He seemed friendly, so Percy decided to be blunt with his words.

"Teach me to fight."

The man's eyes widen, "And why would I do that now?" The man smiled, "What makes you think I can fight? Maybe I'm just swinging my fists at this bag."

Percy smiled, quite arrogantly in fact, "I saw you at the fight league a few days ago. You beat down three opponents that night! It was amazing!" He cheered.

The man laughed, "What's a kid like you doing in a shit hole like that?"

Percy's arrogant smile dropped from his face, "Some kids said something about it at school and I really like fighting and stuff so I thought it'd be cool to check out."

The man looked Percy up and down as if to analyze him, "Hmm, do you want to fight in these things too?"

Percy nodded.

"It'll take you a few years."

"That's fine."

"You sure?

Fists // Percy Jackson Fanfiction //Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon