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The walk home was uneventful at least. Getting mugged wouldn't have been an ideal way to end his night. Percy headed up the stairwell to his family's third-floor apartment, head racing with what the Apollo look alike told him.

Was he really making a delivery for a cannibal?

Would the buyer try to kill him if he misspoke?

What would happen to Percy if someone stole the bag? Would Apollo kill him or make him go after the lost bag?

Percy didn't want to know either way. He just wanted it to be Sunday. Forget Saturday, it would be beyond his control if someone tried to nab the bag or if Mr. Crouch decided the goods Apollo was selling him wasn't enough. If Percy was the cannibal's next meal he would for sure haunt Apollo. His life wouldn't be comfortable with the vengeful spirit making his life complete hell.

"I'm home!" Percy shouted into the warm apartment. Only the lights were off and it seemed no one was home.

Percy sighed, his mom must have a late shift again tonight. Kicking off his shoes and plopping his gym bag by the door Percy made his way to the kitchen. He wanted a sandwich.

Having the apartment to himself was nice, but right now he just wanted to see his mom in case the exchange went wrong tomorrow. Sitting on the couch he turned on the television before biting into the sandwich. It was dry, turkey meat was always dry.

Percy didn't watch much of the television, he was too focused on going over the guidelines he was given. He couldn't remember most of it, but he had the main points. Percy took another bite of the sandwich. He wanted to forget about the deal tomorrow. When he asked Apollo to train him he didn't want to hand over human organs to cannibals. Hopefully, after this run, Apollo won't ask him again, especially if it turns out bad.

He flipped through the television channels, well the thirteen that they got. The only thing that was even worth watching was the local news, there was always some twisted story on it or something ridiculous nobody honestly cared about. Percy gave up on the tv. It wasn't worth his time.

He mindlessly ate his sandwich and stared at the blank tv screen. He was all sorts of fucked up for tomorrow. Percy still couldn't quite understand what he was doing could, in fact, get him arrested or that the person he's delivering to is a cannibal. How was he supposed to assure himself that he wasn't going to become that guy's next meal?

Percy placed the half eaten sandwich back down on the plate. He couldn't eat anymore, his stomach was turning. Maybe this was just a joke. Maybe Apollo was going to basically tell him that his blind loyalty to deliver this package was enough and he'd give it to that kid in the alley and have him transfer it.

Percy swore and threw away the sandwich. He didn't even want to think about it anymore.

Perhaps he'd take a shower, go to bed, and forget about it all.

The next day was just as bad.

Percy said good morning to his mom and sat down for breakfast.

"Good morning Percy. Did you sleep well?" His mom was standing in the kitchen making herself a bowl of cereal.

Percy did not sleep well, his mind was way too busy to get a decent amount of sleep, he lied to his mom anyways, "Yup!"

"You sure about that? You seem pretty tired." HIs mom sat down at the kitchen table.

Percy nodded and went to make his own bowl of cereal.

"Okay then."

The apartment was silent.

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