Five fewer, One more

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""Everybody listen," Enjolras held up four blood stained uniforms taken off of dead soilders, "Why should we waste lives? We have forty men here, but the barricade can be held by thirty. Let four fathers of children leave here."

"Enjolras, no one here wishes to leave!" Joly said

"Then it shall be a vote, you must figure out who must leave. I will not allow us to waste lives of men or children."

After two minutes of arguing, five men stepped forward.

"Wait," one of the men said, "There are five men, but only four uniforms. I will stay."

"No you have two children, I will stay," Another man said. This launched another argument in the crowd "No one is staying !" Enjolras said. Then, like an answer to a prayer, a fith uniform dropped in front of Enjolras. A man in uniform climbed over the barricade only to be grabbed by Joly and .

"I've come here as a volunteer" he said. Enjorlaras pointed his gun at the man's chest.

"Why do you don the uniform?" Granitare asked

"Thats why they let me through"

"Do you see that man over there?" Enjolras asked gesturing to Javert. "He was a volunteer like you. "

I pushed my way to the crowd to see the man who saved me from the rain once again.

"Don't kill him!" I said. Enjolras lowered his gun, but Joly and Granitaire still held him. "He saved me once, I can assure you he's not a spy."

"Enemy marksman!" The man grabbed the gun from Enjolras and shot it at a soilder. The soilder fell from his post. Everyone stared at him in suprise. Enjolras smiled and clapped the man on his back

"Thank you, Monsieur, you will be rewarded after our battle is won. Besides, a friend to Évolié is a friend to us."

"Give me no thanks, there is something you can do."

"If it is within my power, it is yours"

Give me the spy Javert, I will take care of him."

"Very well." Enjolras handed him a knife and a gun.

He turned towards the five men, who were now wearing the blood stained uniforms.

"Gavroche, can you lead them out, take care that you are not seen with them" Gavroche nodded and led the men out into the night.

"Everyone else, stay wake. The soilders might not attack until it's light, but we have to be ready. Marius, Évolié, rest. " Enjolras commanded.

Marius nodded and laid down. I sat next to Enjolras and began to close my eyes when I noticed he was keeping watch again. His face showed no emotion, as usual, but his dark blue eyes clearly showed that he was tired.

"Enjolras, rest, you haven't slept since the night General Lamarque died. I can keep watch."

He looked down at me and smiled. It was obvious he thought of me as a younger sister, He protected me like I was, but I knew he didn't trust me.

"I'm fine" he said

"No you're not. I am not just saying this to be nice Enjolras! You can barely keep your eyes open. What would happen if you fell asleep on watch? They could attack and we wouldn't even know! Now close your eyes and go to sleep!" Enjolras stared at me in surprise. He shook his head and handed me his gun.

"You've been around Enjolras too much, you're starting to sound like him" Granitaire said, who was now obviously drunk again. I smiled at him and took a huge swig of wine. I always liked Granitaire better when he wasn't sober.

"You probably shouldn't be drinking that," Joly said, reaching for the bottle in my hand. I held it away from him and took another drink.

"I'm thirsty, and there is nothing else to drink, so this is my only option."

"Let her drink it Joly," Granitaire said. I gave a grateful smile and he winked at me. "Just save some for me"

"No promises" I said

A gunshot fired and the man returned. Everyone sat in uncomfortable silence until Enjorlras said somthing.

"Courfeyrac, you take the watch. Évolié, you should rest." Courfeyrac and I nodded, almost in sync. I moved close to Enjolras and he put his arm around me, surrounding me in his warmth. He may seem serious to everyone else, but I've seen a side of him that no one else has. He has always cared for me and Gavroche, and I knew he would risk his life to save mine.

"Enjolras?" I asked

"What?" He replied, looking down at me.

"If this is our last night together, I want to thank you."

"For what?"

"For taking care of me, and letting me fight here with you. I would much rather die here than on the streets." Enjolras looked at me with an expression that I've never seen before.

"Who says you are going to die tomorrow?"

"Enjolras, you are not one to give false hope. You want me to clear ou before the final fight, don't you? Well I am not leaving, and you are not going to risk your life to save mine. I am staying here to fight with you and Gavroche, and if I die, I die. You must promise me now that you will not put yourself in harm's way to save me. Do you promise?" I said, staring straight into his dark blue eyes that I had come to know so well.

"Évolié, I -"

"Enjolras" I interrupted "Promise me, please."

"I promise" I could tell he was lying, but I was too tired to argue with him now.

I moved to the ground and rested at the bottom of the barricade. The ground was cold and wet, but I didn't mind. I took off my vest, rolled it up and stuck it under my head to use as a pillow. I closed my eyes and drifted off into a deep sleep.


Hey guys! I changed part of the first chapter, so you might want to check it out (if this book is in your library you might have to take it out and add it back in to see the changes I've made!) Thank you so much for reading this! I will have a new chapter out soon! Also I am going to write an Avengers fanfic called Ice Heart, and a new story, that may or may not have mermaids. I will never tell! vote and comment for more!

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