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My Dearest Aunt Pam,

You always encouraged my love of reading and have given me enough books to last a lifetime.

I know how much you encouraged me to write and publish this book.

I can still remember how excited you were when I told you the entire plotline.

It was in the last letter to you, ever, that I told you I was finally writing a book.

I don't think I have ever seen you more proud.

I think you deserved so, so much more.

I still read your letters to me, all the time. 

How I miss the joys of seeing those in the mail.

When I look back, I can still feel your presence, like you're right there writing every letter.

I wish more than anything that you were still here and had been able to read this.

Every single page of this story is dedicated and written for you.

You are alive in every page I write.

In my heart, you are still here.♡

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