II : Romance

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Hi, hey and hello! With no further ado, there's the next post. It's about my favourite topic, romance *wink wink*. Enjoy! 


Now, I've heard plenty people say Harry Potter has no romance.


I'm over here like, "Blimey, who the bloody hell are you, mate?"

I'm sorry, have you even read the series? I'm even gonna go ahead and admit that the romances of Harry Potter are the some of the best I've read.

You still clueless, dog? Here, lemme enlighten ya.

Harry x Ginny

Hermione x Ron

Hermione x Krum

Harry x Hermione

Ron x Lavender

Tonks x Lupin

Snape x Lily

James x Lily

Fleur x Bill

Harry x Cho

Ginny x Dean

And the list goes on...

Dude, just because JK Rowling, thank our stars, doesn't describe love scenes in an overexaggertingly mushy, kissy method that we find in other teenage books, doesn't mean the Harry Potter books lack romance. In fact, if I ever get to meet Rowling, I would kiss her feet for being the most realistic author ever, in terms of romance.

I mean, come on, tingles and electric sparks when in the arms of your loved one? What are you, a bagful of electric currents? Fireworks amidst kisses? Oh, sure, I'll keep a lookout for colourful explosives as you suck each other's faces out. Butterflies in your stomach? What, did you install insects in your stomach to go all Bruce Lee when you see your crush?

Damn, girl, you got problems.

Same if you're a guy.

Look, I'm a teenager myself, so even I occasionally entertain the flimsy fantasy of love, but DUDE! Idiot sitting behind the screen! True love ain't happenin' until you mature, let's say after you become an adult.

Oh, okay, now you tell me Bella was eighteen when she 'fell in love'?

Fine, then. Have it your way. Me and you, fella, in the boxing ring right now!

What Bella experienced, as I may plainly put it, was lust. One look at Edward and she's all captivated by his beauty and mysteriousness. Yo! Ever heard of friends before love? That's right. You get to know the person before developing feelings for him/her. Because otherwise, darling, you're just admiring that fine body and not the person inside.

You know what that  is called?

Let me break it down for ya, sweetie.

It's called a crush.

It ain't true love! *wagging finger at you*

Now, as the story progresses, Bella and Edward manage to keep their rocky relationship intact, even producing a baby on the way. A baby who nearly killed Bella.

Nice work, Edward.

Okay, okay, I understand. Edward found it difficult to control his hormones, I mean, what immortally teenaged guy deprived of sexual intercourse wouldn't?

Let's move on to Harry Potter.

Firstly, let's talk about Ron and Hermione. They definitely didn't have a cliché love-at-first-sight nonsense, but instead disliked each other immensely at first. They would bicker often and usually were opinionated differently. Later, the trio formed and they were friends, later developing feelings for each other and ultimately become an item, get married and have kids.

Applause, people. We need to applaud for them.

*claps with biggest smirk*

"Friends before love."


I think you just lost the match, hon.

Now, on to Harry and Ginny, aka Hinny (terrible name, might I add, couldn't we call it something else?) This is my all-time fav couple!!

As you know (or if perchance you happen to be a dolt), Ginny developed a crush on Harry when they first met. This often lead to her elbow trying to consume her porridge (your mouth's on your face, not your elbow, dear) and eventually being possessed by Voldemort the Great (note sarcasm).

Now this is where I say NO! Crushes do not mean love. Unfortunately, our lovely diaper-wearing blond baby shot an arrow at Ginny far too early.

Thankfully, Ginny holds but doesn't pursue her feelings and instead dates two other guys (even if it is rumoured to distract herself from Harry). Harry never returned her feelings, nor was aware of hers. In fact, Harry developed feelings for Cho Chang in the fourth book. Until, ladies and gentlefans, The Half-Blood Prince. Harry is single (WHOO!) and leaves hints here and there of liking Ginny. Like, he said he liked having an excuse of watching her talk or joke, etc.

Ahem! Before you bombard me with comments such as, "That was lust too!" or "How is that love?", hold up. Oi, stupid fellow (*insert Superwoman's Indian accent*), it is love because Harry was acquainted to Ginny all these years and knew her as a friend before falling in love with her. Nor did he like her only for her looks.

Friends before love. HA!

Now if we compare that, Bella and Edward has what my mom calls 'puppy love' (I dunno why, though, puppies are cute, and capable of love, unlike these sparkling vamps).

I'm sorry, okay? I just had to bring that up. I mean, come on, Meyer? Sparkling in sunlight? How random is that?

Back on track. Bella felt attracted to dear old Eddie before she even got to know him. Maybe saw him getting out of his car, in the hallways, had him save her from that effing truck, talked a bit in Bio class?

You call that interaction?

If you notice, assuming you have an IQ higher than a squirrel, Bella learns about Edward's personality only after hooking up. Heck, she only discovered that Edward killed a lot of people (even if they were murderers) the day before they got married.

'Ello? Is this the 21st century? 'Cos I think you mixed up centuries.

The winners of Round 2, needless to say, is............YOU DECIDE!

Give me an H! Give me an A! Give me an-oh, whatever.


Right, that's all for now. Hope you guys enjoyed it. Is it too long? Too much rambling? This is my second book (I don't entirely recommend you to read my first one; I've abandoned it). Please comment, vote aaand keep reading!

Keep calm and LOL,

MistyOceans 

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