Chapter Eight - Square One

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            Luxury. That’s the word I would use to describe the life I was quickly introduced to. The only thing I could was who would leave this, and the answer popped into my head, and her name was Lottie.

            “Forest, are you okay?” Eleanor asked from the hotel room.

            “Yep,” I promised in a shout, my voice breaking the barrier of the bathroom door. She didn’t reply, but I could imagine Eleanor’s expression. I’d been staying with Eleanor in her room for a day, and I hadn’t tried to make much conversation with her. I was thankful for her letting me stay with her, but it was all a bit overwhelming.

            “I don’t want to rush, but I need you to come out here.” I didn’t reply, but she knew I’d come. I was quiet, but I was also obedient, which sounds odd for a girl who ran away.

            I cause my own eyes in the mirror, and I couldn’t help but watch myself. Watch the way my cheeks sharpened when I took a breath in, and the way my lips parted when I was thinking. I was never a girl to think about vanity, I couldn’t afford to.

            Sure, I lived a nicer life than most the people on the street. I’d become an expert in my lifestyle, but that didn’t change the fact I didn’t always have access to a shower, and if I did it never had lilac shampoo. With the conditions one of the things I liked to avoid were mirrors, and it really wasn’t hard. Mirrors weren’t hung up in alleyways, but the wealthy didn’t have problems with looking at them selves, and was in their environment.

            The last time I had taken a long look at myself I was sixteen, and I was still in the foster care system. I’d been plagued with long lasting baby fat and a bad haircut left my hair sloppily cut at my shoulders. Nothing and everything had changed since then.

            I was still a blonde. Nothing was going to change my dark blonde hair. It had grown out over the years, and ended below my chest. I still had green eyes that I sometimes wished my biological parents had.

            The thing that shocked me was the weight I had lost, and suddenly I was wishing I had my round cheeks again. Looking at myself for the first time since my diet changed was disturbing, and I realized no matter how well off I was, I was still eating less than I needed.

            “Forest,” Eleanor called once more. I gulped and jerked my eyes to my hand where I was setting down the hairbrush I had borrowed from Eleanor.

            “I’m here,” I announced, giving Eleanor a tight smile as she turned to look at me.

            “You know you can use my hair dryer if you’d like.”

            I lightly touched my hair, towel dried but still damp. “It’s fine, I’m used to letting it dry naturally,” I replied, and she bit her lower lip, her eyes cast down, “besides my hair’s thin, it’ll dry.” Her eyes moved up, and she nodded, but it was forced eye contact to make me feel as if she didn’t feel discomfort.

            “Max and Louis wanted to meet up with you today,” Eleanor told me, looking down at the dress she had laid out on her bed. “It’s going to be a pretty nice restaurant, so I thought you might want to wear something, you fit into my sweater-“ I looked down at my borrowed top “-so I thought maybe you could fit into my dress.”

            “Really?” I asked, eying the bottle green dress laid on her bed.

            “Well, I think it’d fit but-“

            “No, I meant really as in you’d really let me borrow your dress?” I couldn’t mask the gratitude in my voice, or the crack my voice made. I guess it wasn’t that much of a gesture, but I couldn’t help it.

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